Guangming Zhang


Guang-Ming Zhang, Professor in Physics

Mailing Address: School of Physical Science and Technology



Higher Education

l  Sept.1981 – Sept. 1985, B. Sc. Degree in Applied Physics

Dept. of Physics, National University of Defense and Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China

l  Sept. 1985 – March 1991, Master and Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics

Dept. of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China



l  March 1991 – Sept. 1992, Lecturer in Physics

Dept. of Physics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

l  Sept. 1992 – Sept. 1994, Research Fellow

lCondensed Matter Section, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.

l  Sept. 1994 – Sept. 1997, Research Associate

lDept. of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, U.K..

l  Nov. 1997 – March 2004, Professor in Condensed Matter Physics,

Institute for Advanced Study of Tsinghua University, China.

l  April 2004 – Dec. 2024, Professor in Condensed Matter Section,

Dept. of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

l  Jan. 2025 – present, Professor in Condensed Matter Physics,

School of Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University.


Research Interests

l  Novel quantum magnetic states and phase transitions in correlated many-body systems.

l  Quantum entanglement, topological order and quantum topological phase transitions.

l  Mechanisms of unconventional superconductivity and strange metal properties.



l  Aug. 2011, Yeh Chi-Sun Prize for Condensed Matter Physics, Chinese Physical Society.

l  Nov.2005, Cheung Kong Scholar Professorship appointed by Ministry of Education of China

l  Sept. 2001, “Grant for Outstanding Young Scientists” by National Science Foundation of China

l  Sept. 1999, ''Outstanding Young Scientists'' by Qiu Shi Science & Technologies Foundation in HK.


Research Achievements

His long-term research focuses on quantum many-body problems in condensed matter physics. He has proposed a new method for the exact solution of the two-dimensional Kitaev quantum spin model, established a unified theory for two-dimensional quantum fractional excitations, and constructed a universal class of topological states in one-dimensional quantum integer spin chains. He has also developed quantum many-body theories for Kondo resonance and magnetic correlations in correlated electron systems. In collaboration with experimental teams, he was the first to discover unconventional superconductivity under pressure in La3Ni2O7 at liquid nitrogen temperatures.


Selected Research Publications


1.     Hui Hu, Guang-Ming Zhang, and Lu Yu,

Mesoscopic Kondo screening effect in a single-electron transistor embedded in a metallic ring, Physical Review Letters 86, (2001), 5558-5561 (4 pages).


2.     Guang-Ming Zhang, Hui Hu, and Lu Yu,

Marginal Fermi liquid resonance induced by a quantum magnetic impurity in d-wave superconductors,

Physical Review Letters, 86, (2001), 704-707 (4 pages).


3.     Guang-Ming Zhang, Qiang Gu, and Lu Yu,

Kondo spin liquid and magnetically long-range ordered states in the Kondo necklace model,

Physical Review B 62, (2000), 69-72 (4 pages).


4.     Guang-Ming Zhang, Yue-Hua Su, Zhong-Yi Lu, Zheng-Yu Weng, Dung-Hai Lee, and Tao Xiang,

Universal linear-temperature dependence of static magnetic susceptibility in iron pnictides,

European Physical Letters 86, (2009), 37006 (5 pages); arXiv:0809.3874.


5.     Guang-Ming Zhang, Yi-feng Yang and Fu-Chun Zhang,

Self-doped Mott insulator for parent compounds of nickelate superconductors,

Physical Review B 101, (2020), R020501 (5 pages). (2020, ESI高被引和热点论文)


6.     Hualei Sun, Mengwu Huo, Xunwu Hu, Jingyuan Li, Zengjia Liu, Yifeng Han, Lingyun Tang,

Zhongquan Mao, Pengtao Yang, Bosen Wang, Jinguang Cheng, Dao-Xin Yao, Guang-Ming Zhang and Meng Wang, (共同通讯作者)

Signatures of superconductivity near 80 K in a nickelate under high pressure,

Nature621, 493 (2023).


7.     Hong-Hao Tu, Guang-Ming Zhang, and Tao Xiang,

Class of exactly solvable SO(n) symmetric spin chains with matrix product ground states,

Physical Review B 78, (2008), 094404 (10 pages).


8.     Xiao-Yong Feng, Guang-Ming Zhang, and Tao Xiang,

Topological characterization of quantum phase transition in a spin-1/2 model,

Physical Review Letters 98, (2007), 087204 (4 pages).               


9.     Guo-Yi Zhu and Guang-Ming Zhang,

Gapless Coulomb state emerging from a self-dual topological tensor-network state,

Physical Review Letters 122, (2019), 176401 (6 pages).


10.  Dung-Hai Lee, Guang-Ming Zhang, and Tao Xiang,

Edge solitons of topological insulators and fractionalized quasiparticles in two dimensions,

Physical Review Letters 99, (2007), 196805 (4 pages).
