Xiaofang Zhai Group
The study of low-dimensional quantum materials is very important, not only being the basis for the development of low energy consumpition and high speed electronic devices, but also the key to break through bottlenecks of the existing materials. We mainly use laser molecular beam epitaxy to manipulate the stacked lego structure of single atomic layers, develop new correlated eletron materials on the basis of a single atomic layer, and study physical structures and mechanisms, including (1) interfacial electronics and spintronics; (2) two-dimensional freestanding films and soft electronics; (3) synchrotron and neutron studies of interfacial physics. The goal is to explore low-dimensional quantum materials and devices to fill future needs in ultra-small size and ultra-fast response electronic/spintronic applications.
The Laser-MBE facility of our lab
L Cheng#, M Bao#, J Zhang#, X Zhang#, Q Yang, Q Li, H Cao, D Qiu, J Liu, F Ye, Q Wang, G Liang, Hui Li, G Cheng, H Zhou, J-M Zuo, X Zhou, J Shen, Z Zhu*, S Mu*, W Wang*, X Zhai*, Angle-Resolved Magneto-Chiral Anisotropy in a Non-Centrosymmetric Atomic Layer Superlattice. arxiv.org/abs/2404.13396 (2024)
J Liu, F Ye, M Bao, H Fan, X Liu, Z Zhang, Z Gu, L Cheng*, X Zhai*, Confinement‐Enhanced Rashba Spin–Orbit Coupling at the LaAlO3/KTaO3 Interface via LaAlO3 Thickness Control, Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 2200441 (2023)
Q Lu#, X Lei#, J Fu, Q Wang, X Mao, L Cheng, X Zhai*, H Zeng*, Magnetic proximity effect in ultrathin freestanding WS2/LaMnO3 van der Waals heterostructures, AIP Adv. 13, 055115 (2023).
Qinwen Lu,# Zhiwei Liu,# Qun Yang,# Hui Cao, Purnima Balakrishnan, Qing Wang, Long Cheng, Yalin Lu, Jian-Min Zuo, Hua Zhou, Patrick Quarterman, Shin Muramoto, Alexander J. Grutter, Hanghui Chen*, and Xiaofang Zhai*, Engineering Magnetic Anisotropy and Emergent Multidirectional Soft Ferromagnetism in Ultrathin Freestanding LaMnO3 Films, ACS Nano 16, 7580–7588 (2022)
Q Lu, Q Wang, Q Yang, L Cheng, X Zhai,Superflexibility in single-crystalline manganite oxide membranes with gigantic bending curvature and strain, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 171601 (2022)
Qinwen Lu, # Yun Cheng,# Lijun Wu,# Hongli Guo,# Fengfeng Qi, Haijuan Zhang, Junxiao Yu, Qixin Liu, Qing Wang, Genhao Liang, Jie Chen, Yalin Lu, Jie Zhang,Dao Xiang,* Jin Zhao,* Yimei Zhu* & Xiaofang Zhai*, Photoinduced evolution of lattice orthorhombicity and conceivably enhanced ferromagnetism in LaMnO3 membranes, NPJ Quant. Mater. 7, 47 (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41535-022-00456-4
Fabrication of freestanding film on Cu grid and UED schematics
G. Liang, L. Cheng*, J. Zha, H. Cao, J. Zhang, Q. Liu, M. Bao, J. Liu, X. Zhai*, In-situ quantification of the surface roughness for facile fabrications of atomically smooth thin films, Nano Res. 15, 1654-1659 (2021).
H. Cao, H. Guo, Y. Shao, Q. Liu, X. Feng, Q. Lu, Z. Wang, A. Zhao, A. Fujimori, Y. Chuang, H. Zhou*, and X. Zhai*, Realization of Electron Antidoping by Modulating the Breathing Distortion in BaBiO3, Nano Lett. 21, 3981−3988 (2021).
Schematic lattice and electronic structure of BaBiO3-δ (0≤δ≤0.25)
Z. Cui, A. Grutter, H. Zhou, H. Cao, Y. Dong, D. Gilbert, J. Wang, Y.-S. Liu, J. Ma, Z. Hu, J. Guo, J. Xia, B. Kirby, P. Shafer, E. Arenholz, H. Chen*, X. Zhai*, Y. Lu. Correlation-Driven Eightfold Magnetic Anisotropy in a Two-Dimensional Oxide Monolayer, Sci. Adv. 6, eaay0114 (2020).
The eight-fold magentic anisotropy of single layer SrRuO3
D. Meng#, H. Guo#, Z. Cui, C. Ma, J. Zhao, J. Lu, H. Xu, Z. Wang, X. Hu, Z. Fu, R. Peng, J. Guo, X. Zhai*, G. Brown, R, Knize, Y, Lu,* “Strain-induced high-temperature perovskite ferromagnetic insulator”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115(12), 2873-2877 (2018).
The phase diagram of LaCoO3 strained film with oxygen vacancies
H. Xu, X. Zhai*, Z. Wang, Z. Cui, Z. Fu, Y. Lu*, “An epitaxial synaptic device made by a band-offset BaTiO3/Sr2IrO4 bilayer with high endurance and long retention”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 102904 (2019).
Performance of synaptic device of SrIrO3/BaTiO3 heterostructure
X. Zhai*, L. Cheng, Y. Liu*, C. M. Schlepütz, S. Dong*, H. Li, X. Zhang, S. Chu, Li. Zheng, J. Zhang, A. Zhao, H. Hong, A. Bhattacharya, J. N. Eckstein, C.Zeng, Correlating interfacial octahedral rotations with magnetism in (LaMnO3+δ)N/(SrTiO3)N superlattices”, Nat. Commun. 5, 4283 (2014).
X. Zhai, C. Mohapatra, A. B. Shah, J.G. Wen, A. Bhattacharya, J. M. Zuo, and J. N. Eckstein, “New optical absorption bands in atomic layer superlattices”, Adv. Mater. 22, 1136 (2010).
Dr. Long Cheng, Research Assistant Email: chenglong1@shanghaitech.edu.cn | ||||||||
Jia Liu | Mingrui Bao | Qing Wang | ||||||