课题组长 | ![]() |
研究介绍 | ![]() |
主要利用先进微纳加工技术,构建微结构器件,结合泵浦-探测、谱分析、成像等检测手段,研究波在其中的传播特性,在此基础上,发展新器件设计技术,探索功能性器件以及系统的实现原理。目前感兴趣的研究方向: 光学器件的逆向设计和实现,片上集成光信息处理技术,波在类量子系统中传播行为。 |
发表文章 | ![]() |
1. He, C.; Ni, X.; Ge, H.; Sun, X.-C.; Chen, Y.-B.; Lu, M.-H.; Liu, X.-P.; Chen, Y.-F., Acoustic topological insulator and robust one-way sound transport. Nature Physics 12, 1124-1129 (2016)
2. Yu, S.-Y.; Sun, X.-C.; Ni, X.; Wang, Q.; Yan, X.-J.; He, C.; Liu, X.-P.; Feng, L.; Lu, M.-H.; Chen, Y.-F., Surface phononic graphene. Nature Materials 15, 1243-1247 (2016)
3. Zhu, X.-Y.; Xu, Y.-L.; Zou, Y.; Sun, X.-C.; He, C.; Lu, M.-H.; Liu, X.-P.; Chen, Y.-F., Asymmetric diffraction based on a passive parity-time grating. Applied Physics Letters 109, 111101 (2016)
4. He, C.; Sun, X.-C.; Liu, X.-P.; Lu, M.-H.; Chen, Y.; Feng, L.; Chen, Y.-F., Photonic topological insulator with broken time-reversal symmetry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 4924-4928 (2016)
5. Xu, Y.-L.; Fegadolli, W. S.; Gan, L.; Lu, M.-H.; Liu, X.-P.; Li, Z.-Y.; Scherer, A.; Chen, Y.-F., Experimental realization of Bloch oscillations in a parity-time synthetic silicon photonic. Nature Communications 7, 11319 (2016)
6. Dai, M.; Wan, W.; Zhu, X.; Song, B.; Liu, X.; Lu, M.; Cui, B.; Chen, Y., Broadband and wide angle infrared wire-grid polarizer. Optics Express 23, 15390 (2015).
7. Wang, Q.; Yang, Y.; Ni, X.; Xu, Y.-L.; Sun, X.-C.; Chen, Z.-G.; Feng, L.; Liu, X.-p.; Lu, M.-H.; Chen, Y.-F., Acoustic asymmetric transmission based on time-dependent dynamical scattering. Scientific Reports 5, 10880 (2015)
8. Ni, X.; Wu, Y.; Chen, Z.-G.; Zheng, L.-Y.; Xu, Y.-L.; Nayar, P.; Liu, X.-P.; Lu, M.-H.; Chen, Y.-F., Acoustic rainbow trapping by coiling up space. Scientific Reports 4, 7038 (2014)
9. Liu, X.; Kuyken, B.; Roelkens, G.; Baets, R.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Green, W. M. J., Bridging the mid-infrared-to-telecom gap with silicon nanophotonic spectral translation. Nature Photonics 6, 667-671 (2012)
10. Liu, X.; Osgood, R. M., Jr.; Vlasov, Y. A.; Green, W. M. J., Mid-infrared optical parametric amplifier using silicon nanophotonic waveguides. Nature Photonics 4, 557-56 (2010)
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