


Huan-Ming Huang Research Group

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Group Leader

黄焕明,助理教授、研究员Huan-Ming Huang, Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Principal Investigator

Address: 上海科技大学物质学院3号楼405-2School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University


ORCiD: orcid.org/0000-0001-9461-6508

Researcher ID: AAB-1528-2019

Personal Website

Career and education

2021-now上海科技大学,助理教授、研究员Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Principal Investigator, ShanghaiTech University

2018-2021德国明斯特大学,洪堡学者Humboldt Fellow, University of Münster (Mentor: Prof. Frank Glorius)

2017-2018英国曼彻斯特大学,博士后EPSRC Postdoc Research Fellow, The University of Manchester (Mentor: Prof. David J. Procter)

2014-2017英国曼彻斯特大学,博士Ph.D. at The University of Manchester (Supervisor: Prof. David J. Procter)

Selected Awards & Honors

n  国家海外高层次青年人才项目获得者(2022)

n  Catal. Sci. Technol. Emerging Investigator (2022)

n  德国洪堡学者Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2018)

n  CSC Chinese National Excellent Self-Funded Students Scholarship (2016)

n  Prestigious President's Scholarship of The University of Manchester (2014)


n  Guest Editors for BJOC & Molecules

n  Early Career Advisory Board for TetrahedronTetrahedron Lett.Tetrahedron Green Chem.

n  Reviewer for Nature Spring, ACS, RSC, CCS, Wiley, Cell Press and Elsevier, including:

     n Nature Chemistry n Angewandte Chemie n Nature Synthesis n ACS Catal. n Chem. Sci. n Chem. Chem. n Org. Lett. and so on....

Courses for Undergraduates and Graduates:

n  有机化学基础 CHEM 1322 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry     n  自由基化学 CHEM2125 Radical Chemistry 


  • 2025.01   Congrats to 光铬Team 在Nature Communications & ACS Catalysis 发表研究论文!

  • 2024.11   Congrats to 能量转移Team 在Angewandte Chemie & CCS Chemistry 发表研究论文!

  • 2024.10   Congrats to 张莹,王占杰,幸之曦,李凯典,董奇鑫等5位同学获得2024年度国家奖学金!

  • 2024.05   Congrats to Yu, Qi-Xin, Shu-Ya & Hui for their recent work on JACS!

  • 2024.02   Congrats to Ying, Shu-Sheng & Kai-Dian for their recent work on Angewandte Chemie !

  • 2024.01   Congrats to Jun-Jie & Zhan-Jie for their recent publication on Adv. Synth. Catal., which is selected as VIP paper! 

  • 2023.12   Congrats to Dr. TANG for National Post-doctoral Fellowship!

  • 2023.12   Congrats to Dr. ZHENG for Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!

  • 2023.04   导师零距离之通往 PI 之路 | 黄焕明:探索化学合成里的“自由”与“反转”

  • 2023.04   受邀参加英国皇家化学会催化专场 “新锐科学家论坛” 线上研讨会

  • 2023.03   成功举办上海科技大学Nature Synthesis期刊编辑在线研讨

  • 2022.12   祝贺张莹、陈俊杰获得2022年上海科技大学“优秀学生”称号!

  • 2022.10   祝贺张莹、陈俊杰获得2022年硕士研究生国家奖学金!



We are a young research team working in School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University. 

Our research is focused on radical chemistry and catalysis.

We are hiring!

Postdoctoral, Research Assistant, PhD Positions and Master Positions are available.Please contact huanghm@shanghaitech.edu.cn



We successfully obtained National Postdotral Fellowship、Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program 、China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.




23.Photoredox/Cr-Catalyzed Enantioselective Radical-Polar Crossover Transformation via C―H Functionalization” , Si-Yuan Tang, Zhan-Jie Wang, Yu Ao, Ning Wang, and Huan-Ming Huang*, Nature Communications, 2025, 16, 1354

22. Enantioselective Remote Alkylation Enabled by Metallaphotoredox Catalysis via Selective C−C Bond Cleavage” , Yu Ao, Ning Wang, Si-Yuan Tang, Zhan-Jie Wang, Liang-Hua Zouand Huan-Ming Huang*, ACS Catal. 2025, 15, 2212-2221

21.Energy-Transfer-Enabled Rearrangement Involving Pyridines”,Shu-Ya Wen, Jun-Jie Chen, Yu Zheng and Huan-Ming Huang*, CCS Chem. 2025, DOI: 10.31635/ccschem.024.202405071

20. “Energy-Transfer Enabled 1,4-Aryl Migration”, Shu-Ya Wen+, Jun-Jie Chen+, Yu Zheng, Jia-Xun Han, Huan-Ming Huang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2025, 64, e202415495


19. “Catalytic Aldehyde–Alkyne Couplings Triggered by Ketyl Radicals” ,Zhi-Xi Xing, Shu-Sheng Chen, and Huan-Ming Huang*,Org. Lett. 202426, 46, 9949–9954 

18. “Site-Selective Pyridine Carbamoylation Enabled by Consecutive Photoinduced Electron Transfer”, Zhan-Jie Wang, Jun-Jie Chen and Huan-Ming Huang*,  ACS Catal., 2024,14, 20, 15521–15527. 

  • Selected as Front cover paper


17. “Catalytic three-component carboamination of unactivated alkenes with primary sulfonamides.”Ying Zhang, Kai-Dian Li, Chang-Quan Zhou, Zhi-Xi Xing, Huan-Ming Huang*, Green Chem., 2024, 26, 10434-10440.


16. “Bimolecular Homolytic Substitution (SH2) at A Transition Metal.” Ying Zhang, Kai-Dian Li and Huan-Ming Huang*, ChemCatChem, 2024, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202400955 

15. “Photoinduced Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Cascade Dearomatization.” Ying Zhang, and Huan-Ming Huang*, Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2024, 44, 2061. 

  • Invited Highlight

14. Yu Zheng, Qi-Xin Dong, Shu-Ya Wen, Hui Ran, and Huan-Ming Huang*, Di-π-ethane Rearrangement of Cyano Groups via Energy-Transfer Catalysis,  JAmChemSoc. 2024, 146, 18210.


13.  Ying Zhang, Shu-Sheng Chen, Kai-Dian Li, and Huan-Ming Huang*Cyclic Amine Synthesis via Catalytic Radical-Polar Crossover Cycloadditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63,e202401671.

12. Jun-Jie Chen, Zhan-Jie Wang, and Huan-Ming Huang*, Site-Selective Pyridination of Benzylic and Allylic C―H bonds via Radical-Radical Cross Coupling, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2024, 366, 1306-1314.

n  Selected as VIP paper


11. Peter Bellotti, Huan-Ming Huang*, Teresa Faber and Frank Glorius*, Photocatalytic Late-Stage C–H FunctionalizationChem. Rev. 2023, 123, 4237.


10Jun-Jie Chen and Huan-Ming Huang*N2O revalorizationNature Chem. 2022, 14, 846(News & Views)

9. Huan-Ming Huang*, 'Electrifying cross-electrophile coupling', Nature Synth. 2022, 1, 510. (News & Views)

n  Free access link: https://rdcu.be/cQgl8

8. Ying Zhang,Jun-Jie Chen+ and Huan-Ming Huang*, 'Radical Brook Rearrangement: Concept and Recent Developments', Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202205671.

n  Invited minireview

7. Jun-Jie Chen,+ Ying Zhang+ and Huan-Ming Huang*, Radical umpolung chemistry enabled by dual catalysis: concept and recent advances, Catal. Sci. Technol. 2022, 12, 5241.

n  Invited Perspective

n  Emerging Investigator Series

6. Jun-Jie Chen and Huan-Ming Huang*, Merging Halogen-Atom transfer with transition metal catalysis, Tetrahedron Lett., 2022, 153945.

n  Invited digest paper

5. Huan-Ming Huang*,+ Peter Bellotti,+ Suhyeon Kim, Xiaolong Zhang and Frank Glorius*, “Catalytic multicomponent reaction involving a ketyl-type radical”, Nature Synth. 2022, 1, 464

n  shared link https://rdcu.be/cPyvH

n  Research Briefing - Harnessing ketyl-type radicals using palladium photocatalysis

n  Highlighted by ShanghaiTech University 

4. Peter Bellotti,Huan-Ming Huang,Teresa Faber, Ranjini Laskar and Frank Glorius*, “Catalytic defluorinative ketyl–olefin coupling by halogen-atom transfer”, Chem. Sci. 2022, 13, 7855.

3. Huan-Ming Huang*,+ Peter Bellotti,+ and Frank Glorius*, “Merging Carbonyl Addition with Photocatalysis”, Acc. Chem. Res. 2022, 55, 1135.

n  Invited account

n  Top 3 most downloaded papers in April 2022

n  Highlighted by ShanghaiTech University 

2. Huan-Ming Huang,+ Peter Bellotti,Johannes E. Erchinger, Tiffany O. Paulisch and Frank Glorius*, “Radical Carbonyl Umpolung Arylation via Dual Nickel Catalysis”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1899.

n  One of top 20 most read papers in Febuary 2022

1. Huan-Ming Huang,+ Peter Bellotti,Pan-Pan Chen,+ Kendall N. Houkand      Frank Glorius*, “Allylic C(sp3)H arylation of olefins via ternary catalysis”, Nature  Synth. 2022, 1, 59.

n Highlighted as news & views by Prof. Gomes (Nature Synth. 20221, 13)

n WWU Press  n  Innovations Report n Chem Europe n  Science Daily

Before joining ShanghaiTech

12. Huan-Ming Huang, Peter Bellotti, (These authors contributed equally) and Frank Glorius*, “Bifunctional  Reagents in Organic Synthesis”, Nat. Rev. Chem. 2021, 5, 301.

11. Huan-Ming Huang, Peter Bellotti, Constantin Daniliuc and Frank Glorius*, “Radical Carbonyl Propargylation by Dual Catalysis”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 2464.

10. Huan-Ming Huang, Peter Bellotti, (These authors contributed equally) and Frank Glorius*, “Transition-metal catalysed allylic functionalization reaction involving radicals”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2020, 49, 6186.

9. Huan-Ming Huang, Peter Bellotti, Philipp Miro Pflueger, J. Luca Schwarz, Bastian Heidrich and Frank Glorius*, “Three-Component, Interrupted Radical Heck/Allylic Substitution Cascade Involving Unactivated Alkyl Bromides”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 10173.

n  Top 20 most read article in May and June, 2020

n  Highlighted by Prof. Knochel in Synfacts 2020,16(08): 0932

8. Huan-Ming Huang, Maximilian Koy, Eloisa Serrano, Philipp Miro Pflüger, J. Luca Schwarz and Frank Glorius*, “Catalytic radical generation of π-allylpalladium complexes”, Nat. Catal. 2020, 3, 393.

7. J. Luca Schwarz,Huan-Ming Huang, (These authors contributed equally) Tiffany O. Paulisch, and Frank Glorius*, “Dialkylation of 1,3-Dienes by Dual Photoredox and Chromium Catalysis”, ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 1621.

n  Highlighted by Prof. Mark Lautens in Synfacts 2020; 16(04): 0426

6. Huan-Ming Huang, Monserrat H. Garduño-Castro, Charlotte Morrill and David J. Procter*, “Catalytic Cascade Reactions by Radical Relay”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48,   4626.

5. Huan-Ming Huang, J. J. W. McDouall, and David J. Procter*, “SmI2-catalysed Cyclisation Cascades by Radical Relay”,Nat. Catal. 2019, 2, 211.

n  Highlighted by chief editor, Nat. Rev. Chem 2019, 3, 131

4. Huan-Ming Huang, J. J. W. McDouall and David J. Procter*, “Radical Anions from Urea-type Carbonyls: Radical Cyclisations and Cyclisation Cascades”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 4995.

3. Huan-Ming Huang and David J. Procter*, “Dearomatizing Radical Cyclisations and Cyclisation Cascades Triggered by Electron-Transfer Reduction of Amide-Type Carbonyls”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 1661.

2. Huan-Ming Huang and David J. Procter*, “Radical Heterocyclisation and Heterocyclisation Cascades Triggered by Electron Transfer to Amide-Type Carbonyls”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14262.

1. Huan-Ming Huang and David J. Procter*, “Radical-Radical Cyclisation Cascades of Barbiturates Triggered by Electron-Transfer Reduction of Amide-Type Carbonyls”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 7770.

n  Highlighted in an ACS select virtual special issue on radical chemistry, 2017 by Prof. Samir Zard


Group Picture
