



Group Leader


刘健鹏 (Jianpeng Liu),副教授(tenured associate professor)、研究员


电子邮件 (email):liujp AT shanghaitech.edu.cn 

个人简历 (short bio)

2006-2010,Nankai University, Bachelor of Science

2010-2015,Rutgers University (David Vanderbilt's group),PhD

2015-2018,UCSB, KITP,postdoctoral fellow (in collaboration with Leon Balents)

2018-2020,HKUST,research assistant professor (in collaboration with Xi Dai)



Research Interest

The research focus of our group is primarily in the field of condensed matter theory and first-principles calculations of quantum materials systems. There is a broad interest in theoretical studies and first-principles calculations of electronic structures, topological properties, Coulomb correlation effects, as well as transport and optical properties in quantum materials systems. In recent years, the PI of the research group has obtained a numer of fundings including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Principal Investigator, 2021), the Ministry of Science and Technology's Quantum Control and Quantum Information major project (core member, 2020), etc.

Our recent research interests primarily focus on several directions:

(1) Theoretical studies of band topology, Coulomb correlation effects, transport properties, and optical properties in Moiré two-dimensional superlattice systems and heterostructures of two-dimensional materials. For example, theoretical investigations of novel states such as topological properties, electronic structures, correlated insulating states, orbital magnetic states, phonon and electron-phonon coupling effects (such as polaron, charge order, superconductivity) in twisted bilayer graphene and twisted multilayer graphene systems, as well as physical properties of fractional Chern insulator (fractional quantum anomalous Hall) states. 

(2) Development of many-body computational methods for studying the ground states and excitation properties for both electron and lattice degrees of freedom, such as Hartree-Fock, RPA, GW, Hedin-Baym perturbation methods, and exact diagonalization methods.

(3) Theoretical studies of the electronic structure and properties of magnetic topological materials and correlated topological materials. For instance, theoretical research on the electronic structure, topological properties, and electron-phonon coupling effects in lattices with cage-like structures, correlated metallic systems, and magnetic topological materials.

(4) Response theory of quantum materials systems, such as piezoelectricity, magnetoelectricity, magneto-optics, nonlinear optical responses, and preliminary exploration of the non-equilibrium physics of quantum materials coupled with strong light fields.


课题组的研究领域主要是凝聚态理论以及量子材料体系的第一性原理计算。对量子材料体系中的电子结构、拓扑性质、库伦关联效应、以及输运和光学性质的理论研究和第一性原理计算有广泛兴趣。近年来,课题组PI分别获得国家自然科学基金面上项目 (负责人,2021)、科技部重点研发计划 (核心成员,2020),并入选中组部国家级青年人才计划(2022)。


(1) 摩尔二维超晶格体系、以及二维材料异质结体系中能带拓扑性、库伦关联效应、输运性质和光学性质的理论研究。例如,对转角双层石墨烯和转角多层石墨烯体系的拓扑性质、电子结构、关联绝缘态、轨道磁性态、声子和电声耦合效应、陈绝缘体和分数陈绝缘体等新奇物态的理论研究。

(2) 发展处理量子多体系统中电子和晶格自由度的量子多体计算方法,如Hartree-Fock, RPA, GW, Hedin-Baym微扰论,数值严格对角化等。

(3) 磁性拓扑材料以及关联拓扑材料的电子结构和物性的理论研究。例如,对笼目晶格结构的关联金属体系和磁性拓扑材料的电子结构、拓扑性质、电声耦合效应的理论研究。

(4) 量子材料体系的响应理论,如压电、磁电、磁光、非线性光学响应等等。近期在初步探索量子材料与强光场耦合情况下的非平衡物理。

招聘信息 (Job openings)

There are open positions for postdocs and research scientist positions at different levels. The base salary for postdoc is 300K RMB/year, with housing and medical benefits. Postdocs are supported by the group to apply for various postdoc grants and programs either from Shanghai or Chinese government, which may have additonal research grants and personal allowance.

Research scientists are official, permanent positions of ShanghaiTech University, which have different levels depending on the experience of the candidate. ShanghaiTech will provide various benefits including housing, medical care, and children education, and will provide competitive salaries with sustainable growth.

The group regularly recruits 1-2 graduate students every year.





Selected Publications

Selected Publications after joining ShanghaiTech


(* for (co-)corresponding author,  # for co-first authors):

36.    Yanran Shi, Bo Xie, Fengfan Ren, Xinyu Cai, Zhongqing Guo, Qiao Li, Xin Lu,  Zhongkai Liu, Jianpeng Liu*, Fractional topological states in rhombohedral multilayer graphene modulated by kagome superlattice, arXiv:2502.17320 (2025)          

35.   Yang Xue, Jianpeng Liu*, Anomalous Chern-Simons orbital magnetoelectric coupling of  three-dimensional Chern insulators: gauge-discontinuity formalism and  adiabatic pumping, arXiv:2502.17320 (2025)

34.   Zhongqing Guo, Jianpeng Liu*, Beyond-mean-field studies of Wigner crystal transitions in various interacting two-dimensional systems, arXiv: 2409.14658 (2024)

33.   Xin Lu#, Renwen Jiang#, Jianpeng Liu*,Orbital magnetoelectric coupling of three dimensional Chern insulators, arXiv:2408.16103 (2024)

32.  Zaizhe Zhang#, Jingxin Yang#, Bo Xie#, Zuo Feng, Shu Zhang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Xiaoxia Yang, Qing Dai, Tao Liu, Donghua Liu, Kaihui Liu, Zhida Song, Jianpeng Liu, Xiaobo Lu*, Commensurate and Incommensurate Chern Insulators in Magic-angle Bilayer Graphene, arXiv:2408.12509 (2024)

31. Jian Xie, Zihao Huo, Xin Lu, Zuo Feng, Zaizhe Zhang, Wenxuan Wang, Qiu Yang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Kaihui Liu, Zhida Song, X.C. Xie, Jianpeng Liu*, Xiaobo Lu*, Even- and Odd-denominator Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Graphene Moire Superlattices, arXiv:2405.16944 (2024)

30.  Xin Lu#, Bo Xie#, Yue Yang#, Yiwen Zhang, Xiao Kong, Jun Li, Feng Ding, Zhu-Jun Wang*, Jianpeng Liu*,  Magic momenta and three dimensional Landau levels from a three dimensional graphite moire superlattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 056601 (2024)

29. Yiwen Zhang#, Bo Xie#, Yue Yang#, Yueshen Wu, Xin Lu, Yuxiong Hu, Yifan Ding, Jiadian He, Peng Dong, Jinghui Wang, Xiang Zhou, Jianpeng Liu*, Zhu-Jun Wang*, Jun Li*, Extremely large magnetoresistance in twisted intertwined graphene spirals, Nat. Commun. 15, 6120 (2024)

28. Y. Guo#, J. Li#, X. Zhan#, C. Wang#, M. Li# et al., Van der Waals polarity-engineered 3D integration of 2D complementary logic, Nature, 630, 346 (2024)

27. Zhongqing Guo#, Xin Lu#, Bo Xie, Jianpeng Liu*Fractional Chern insulator states in multilayergraphene moire superlatticesPhys. Rev. B 110, 075109 (2024), Editor's suggestion. 

See https://doi.org/10.36471/JCCM_January_2024_02 for comments from Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics.

26. Hai-Yang Ma, Jiaxin Yin, M. Zahid Hasan, Jianpeng Liu*, Theory for charge density wave and orbital-flux state in antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeGe, Chin. Phys. Lett. (Express Letter), 41, 047103 (2024)

25. Jinrui Zhong#, Junxi Duan#*, Shihao Zhang#, Huimin Peng, Qi Feng, Yuqin Hu, Qinsheng Wang, Jinhai Mao, Jianpeng Liu*, Yugui Yao*, Effective manipulation and realization of a colossal nonlinear Hall effect in an electric-field tunable moire system, Nano Lett. 24, 5791 (2023)

24. Bo Xie, Jianpeng Liu*Lattice distortions, moiré phonons, and relaxed electronic band structures in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 108, 094115 (2023)

23. Xin Lu, Shihao Zhang, Xiang Gao, Kaining Yang, Yuchen Gao, Yu Ye, Zheng Vitto Han, Jianpeng Liu*, Synergistic correlated states and nontrivial topology in coupled graphene-insulator heterostructuresNat. Commun. 14, 5550 (2023)

22Zhicheng Jiang#, Zhengtai Liu#, Haiyang Ma#, Wei Xia#, Zhonghao Liu, Jishan Liu, Soohyun Cho, Yichen Yang, Jianyang Ding, Jiayu Liu, Zhe Huang, Yuxi Qiao, Jiajia Shen, Wenchuan Jing, Xiangqi Liu, Jianpeng Liu*, Yanfeng Guo*, Dawei Shen*, Flat bands, non-trivial band topology and electronic nematicity in layered kagome-lattice RbTi3Bi5,  Nat. Commun. 14, 4892 (2023)

21Zhicheng Jiang#, Haiyang Ma#, Wei Xia#, Qian Xiao, Zhengtai Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Yichen Yang, Jianyang Ding, Zhe Huang, Jiayu Liu, Yuxi Qiao, Jishan Liu, Yingying Peng, Soohyun Cho*, Yanfeng Guo*, Jianpeng Liu*, Dawei Shen*, Observation of electronic nematicity driven by three-dimensional charge density wave in kagome lattice KV3Sb5Nano Lett. 23, 5625 (2023) 

20. Aiji Liang, Zhilin Li, Shihao Zhang, Shucui Sun, Shuai Liu, Cheng Chen, Haifeng Yang, Shengtao Cui, Sung-Kwan Mo, Shuai Yang, Yongqing Li, Meixiao Wang, Lexian Yang, Jianpeng Liu*, Zhongkai Liu*, Yulin Chen*, Electronic Origin of Half-metal to Semiconductor Transition and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Spinel HgCr2Se4, Phys. Rev. B, 107, 195114 (2023)

19.  Zhang Shi-HaoXie BoPeng RanLiu Xiao-QianLü XinLiu Jian-Peng*, Novel electrical properties of moiré graphene systems Acta Phys. Sin., 2023, 72(6): 067302  [invited review]

18.  Hai-Yang Ma, Jia-Xin Yin, M. Zahid Hasan, Jianpeng Liu*, Magnetic and charge instabilities in vanadium-based topological kagome metals, Phys. Rev. B 106, 155125 (2022)

17. Yaning Wang, Xiang Gao, Kaining Yang, Pingfan Gu, Xin Lu, Shihao Zhang, Yuchen Gao, Naijie Ren, Baojuan Dong, Yuhang Jiang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jun Kang, Wenkai Lou, Jinhai Mao*, Jianpeng Liu*, Yu Ye*, Zheng Vitto Han*, Kai Chang*, Jing Zhang, Zhidong Zhang, Quantum Hall phases in graphene engineered by interfacial coupling, arXiv:2110.02899, Nat. Nanotech. 17, 1272 (2022)

16. Xiaoqian Liu, Ran Peng, Zhaoru Sun*, Jianpeng Liu*, Moire phonons in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene,  Nano Letters, 22, 7791 (2022)  

15.  Yiwei Li, Shihao Zhang, Fanqiang Chen, Liyang Wei, Zonglin Zhang, Hanbo Xiao,  Han Gao, Moyu Chen, Shijun Liang, Ding Pei, Lixuan Xu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Lexian Yang, Feng Miao, Jianpeng Liu,* Bin Cheng,* Meixiao Wang,* Yulin Chen,* and Zhongkai Liu*, Observation of co-existing Dirac bands and moire flat bands in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene,  Adv. Mater. , https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202205996

14. Jian Yuan, Xianbiao Shi, Hao Su, Xin Zhang, Xia Wang, Na Yu, Zhiqiang Zou, Weiwei Zhao, Jianpeng Liu*, Yanfeng Guo*, Magnetization tunable Weyl states in EuB6, Phys. Rev. B, 106, 054411 (2022)

13. Chao-Kai Li, Xu-Ping Yao, Jianpeng Liu, Gang Chen*, Fractionalization  on the surface: is type-II terminated 1T TaS2 surface an anomalously realized spin liquid?  Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 071202 (2022)

12. Ran Peng, Jianpeng Liu*Topological piezoelectric response in moire graphene systems, Phys. Rev. Res. (Letter) 4, L032006 (2022)

11. Shihao Zhang, Xin Lu, Jianpeng Liu*, Correlated insulators, density wave states, and their nonlinear optical responses in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphenePhys. Rev. Lett. 128, 247402 (2022)

10Bo Xie, Ran Peng, Shihao ZhangJianpeng Liu*,  Alternating twisted multilayer graphene: generic partition rules, double flat bands, and orbital magnetoelectric effect, npj Comput. Mater., 8, 110 (2022)

9. Shihao Zhang, Xi Dai, and Jianpeng Liu*,  Spin polarized nematic order, quantum valley Hall states, and field tunable topological transitions in the correlated states of  moire graphene systems,  Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 026403 (2022)

8. Xingdan Sun#, Shihao Zhang#, Zhiyong Liu#, Honglei Zhu, Jinqiang Huang, Kai Yuan, Zhenhua Wang*, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Xiaoxi Li, Mengjian Zhu, Jinhai Mao, Teng Yang, Jun Kang*, Jianpeng Liu*, Yu Ye*, Zheng Vitto Han*, Zhidong Zhang,  Correlated states in single layer graphene in a dual moire super potential,  Nat. Commun. 12, 7196 (2021)

7. Soohyun Cho#Haiyang Ma#Wei Xia#Yichen YangZhengtai LiuZhe HuangZhicheng JiangXiangle LuJishan LiuZhonghao LiuJinfeng JiaYanfeng Guo*Jianpeng Liu*Dawei Shen*,  Emergence of new van Hove singularities in the charge density wave state of a topological kagome metal RbV3Sb5 Phys. Rev. Lett. , 127, 236401 (2021)

6. Shuchun Huan#, Shihao Zhang#, Zhicheng Jiang#, Hao Su, Hongyuan Wang, Xin Zhang, Yichen Yang, Zhengtai Liu, Xia Wang, Na Yu, Zhiqiang Zou, Dawei Shen*, Jianpeng Liu*, Yanfeng Guo*, Multiple magnetic topological phases in bulk van der Waals crystal MnSb4Te7Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 246601 (2021) , Editor's suggestion

5. Jianpeng Liu* and Xi Dai*,  Orbital magnetic states in moire graphene systems Nature Reviews Physics3, 367–382 (2021) [invited Perspective]

4. Mingqiang GuJiayu LiHongyi SunYufei ZhaoChang Liu, Jianpeng Liu*, Haizhou Lu, Qihang Liu*Spectral signatures of surface anomalous Hall effect in magnetic axion insulators,  Nat. Commun., 12, 3524 (2021)

3. QuanSheng Wu*, Jianpeng Liu*, Yifei Guan, Oleg V. Yazyev*, Landau levels as probe for band topology in graphene moire superlattices,   Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 056401 (2021) 

2. Jianpeng Liu* and Xi Dai*, Topological properties and orbital magnetism in twisted graphene systems, invited review, Acta Physica Sinica2020, 69 (14):147301 [invited review]

1Si-Yu Li, Yu Zhang, Ya-Ning Ren, Jianpeng Liu*, Xi Dai, and Lin He*, Experimental evidence for orbital magnetic moments generated by moiré-scale current loops in twisted bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 102, 121406(R) (2020), Editor’s suggestion

Other collaborative works

1Qiao Li, Bin Cheng*, Moyu Chen, Bo Xie, Yongqin Xie, Pengfei Wang, Fanqiang Chen, Zenglin Liu, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Shi-Jun Liang, Da Wang, Chenjie Wang, Qiang-Hua Wang, Jianpeng Liu, Feng Miao*Tunable quantum criticalities in an isospin extended Hubbard model simulatorNature 609, 479 (2022)

2.  ShengNan Zhang#, Bo Xie#, QuanSheng Wu*, Jianpeng Liu, Oleg V. Yazyev*, Chiral Decomposition of Twisted Graphene Multilayers with Arbitrary Stacking Nano Lett. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00275

3. K. Yang et al., Unconventional correlated insulator in CrOCl-interfaced Bernal bilayer graphene, Nat. Commun. 14, 2136 (2023)

4. H. Yang et al., Visualization of Chiral Electronic Structure and Anomalous Optical Response in a Material with Chiral Charge Density Waves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 156401 (2022) 

5Ding Pei et al.Observation of Γ-valley moiré bands and emergent hexagonal lattice in twisted transition metal dichalcogenidesPhys. Rev. X12, 021065 (2022)

6. Si-yu Li et al., Imaging topological torus lattice from an electron crystal in twisted mono-bilayer grapheneNat. Commun.13, 4225 (2022)

7. Le Liu et al., Isospin competitions and valley polarized insulators in twisted double bilayer grapheneNat. Commun.13, 3292 (2022)

8Zhiyi Chen, Qingyun Zhang, Zhe Yuan, Jianpeng Liu, Ke Xia, and Youqi Ke*, Fully relativistic first-principles quantum transport simulation of noncollinear spin transfer and spin Hall current, Phys. Rev. B 107, 195431 (2022)

9. H.-Y. Ma et al., Multifunctional antiferromagnetic materials with giant piezomagnetism and noncollinear spin current,   Nat. Commun.12, 2846 (2021)

Selected Publications prior to ShanghaiTech

14. Jianpeng Liu, and Xi Dai, Theoreies for the correlated insulating states and the quantum anomalous Hall phenomena in twisted bilayer graphene.    Phys. Rev. B 103, 035427 (2021), Editors' suggestion.

13. Jianpeng Liuand Xi Dai,  Anomalous Hall effect, magneto-optical properties, and nonlinear optical properties of twisted graphene systems.   npj Computational Materials, 6, 57 (2020)

12. Jianpeng Liu*, Zhen Ma, Jinhua Gao, and Xi Dai, Quantum valley Hall effect, orbital magnetism, and anomalous Hall effect in twisted graphene multilayers.   Phys. Rev. X 9, 031021 (2019)

11.  Jianpeng Liu,  Junwei Liu, and Xi Dai, Pseudo-Landau-level representation of twsited bilayer graphene: band topology and implications on the correlated insulating phases.    Phys. Rev. B 99, 155415 (2019)

10. T. Suzuki, L. Savary, J. Liu, J. W. Lynn, L. Balents, and J. G. Checkelsky,  Singular angular magnetoresistance and spontaneous symmetry breaking in a magnetic nodal semimetal.  Science, 365, 377-381 (2019)

9Jianpeng Liu, Kasra Hejazi, and Leon Balents, Floquet engineering of multi-orbital Mott insulators: applications to orthorhombic titanates. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 107201 (2018)

8. Jianpeng Liu and Leon Balents, Anomalous Hall effect and topological defects in antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetals: Mn3Sn/Ge.   Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 087202 (2017)

7. Jianpeng Liu and Leon Balents, Correlation effects and quantum oscillations in topological nodal-loop semimetals.  Phys. Rev. B, 95 075426 (2017)

6. Jianpeng Liu, Se Young Park, Kevin F. Garrity and David Vanderbilt,  Flux states and topological phases from spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in CrSi(Ge)Te3-based systems.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 257201(2016)

5. Huaqing Huang, Jianpeng Liu, David Vanderbilt and Wenhui Duan, Topological nodal-line semimetals in alkaline-earth stannides, germanides and silicides.  Phys. Rev. B . 93, 201114 (2016)

4. Jianpeng Liu and David Vanderbilt,Gauge-discontinuity contributions to Chern-Simons orbital magnetoelectric coupling.  Phys. Rev. B 92 (24), 245138 (2015)

3. Jianpeng Liu and David Vanderbilt, Weyl semimetals from noncentrosymmetric topological insulators. Phys. Rev. B 90, 155316 (2014). Editors' suggestion in PRB.

2. Jianpeng Liu and David Vanderbilt, Spin-orbit spillage as a measure of band inversion in insulators.  Phys. Rev. B 90, 125133 (2014)

1. Jianpeng Liu and David Vanderbilt, Topological phase transitions in (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 and (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3.  Phys. Rev. B 88, 224202 (2013)


Group Members

博后及助理研究员 (Postdocs & Research scientists)           

Name:吕昕 (Xin Lu)  position:助理研究员 (research scientist),  PhD from Université Paris-Saclay

Research direction: theoretical studies on topological and correlated physics in 2D materials and moire superlattices

学生 (Students)

Name:郭忠青 (Zhongqing Guo)   Position:PhD student,  B.S. from Jilin University

Research direction:Development and application of many-body perturbation methods (such as GW and BSE) and exact-diagonalizaton methods for moire superlattice systems based on continuum models

Name:石嫣然 (Yanran Shi)   Position:PhD student,  B.S. from ShanghaiTech

Research direction: moire graphene systems

Name:解博 (Bo Xie)   Position:PhD student,  B.S. from ShanghaiTech

Research direction:Phonons and electron-phonon couplings in moire superlattice systems

Name:李敏 (Min Li)    Position:PhD student,  B.S. from Xiangtan University

Research direction:first principles study of 2D materials heterostructures and moire superlattices

Former members:

Former students:

彭然 (Ran Peng),former undergraduate research assistant,now PhD student at Florida State University (Oskar Vafek's group)

刘晓迁 (Xiaoqian Liu),former co-supervised master student,now PhD student at EPFL (Oleg Yazyev's group)

管云韬 (Yuntao Guan),former undergraduate research assistant,now PhD student at UIUC (Barry Bradlyn's group)

Former postdocs:

张世豪 (Shihao Zhang),former postdoc,now associate professor at Hunan University (现湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院副教授)

马海洋 (Haiyang Ma),former postdoc,now research associate at Quantum Science Center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Maco Greater Bay Area (粤港澳大湾区量子科学中心,副研究员)









