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Group Leader

沈晓钦研究员/博导,助理教授 | Xiaoqin Shen, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
地址 Office: 物院6-514E | SPST 6-514E
Email: shenxq@@shanghaitech.edu.cn

教育工作经历  Experiences:

2019.1–to date 助理教授 研究员,上海科技大学 | Assistant Professor/PI, ShanghaiTech University
2013-2018 博士后,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校&南加州大学 | Postdoc, UC Santa Barbara & USC
2013 博士, 新加坡国立大学 | PhD, National University of Singapore
2008 硕士, 中国科学技术大学 | MSc, University of Science and Technology of China
2005 学士, 海南大学 | BE, Hainan University


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课题组主要采用先进激光与光学技术,研究分子与微纳光学器件非线性光学效应,及其在集成光子芯片、微纳光电子、生物光学成像等领域的应用。课题组注重交叉学科问题研究,主要研究兴趣包括: 1)基于超高品质因子光学微腔器件的非线性光学研究及应用; 2)基于微纳结构材料的非线性光学研究。


1)在《Nature Photonics》的论文报道了一种片上集成光学微腔高效拉曼激光新原理及器件

2)在《Science Advances》的论文报道了一种分子增强光学微腔Kerr参量转换的新方法

3)在《Physical Review Letters》的论文报道了一种分子增强光学微腔三次谐频与和频转换方法

4)在《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》的论文中报道了一种解决高Q氧化硅微腔光学频率梳器件长期稳定性问题的新方法和器件


By utilizing advanced laser and optical approaches, we study organic materials and nonlinear optics. We emphasis in understanding the fundamentals in interdisciplinary problems, with the aim to explore organic optical materials for applications in microcavity photonics, biomedical photonics and integrated optoelectronics.

1, ultrahigh quality-factor (Q) microcavities for photonics, nonlinear optics

2, nano/micro materials for biophotonics applications

 We are hiring! RESEARCH SCIENTIST and POSTDOC positions are available immediately. Feel free to contact the PI. Welcome undergrads and graduate students with backgrounds in optics, physics, materials or chemistry to join the group


Group News 

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       Welcome Tianhao Liu to join our group!

Congrat Jiadu, Yang Wang on their paper! Our new paper is online on ACSApplied Materials and Interfaces. We developed a new type of ultrahigh Q silica microcavity device that effectively prevents Q decay over time, enabling long-term staible nonlinear optical performance. Aug 30.

Welcome our new group member Ruoyu Wang! Mr Wang obtained his B.S in Physics from Ocean University of China. Sept 7.

Our research work was published on Nature Photonics! Congrats to all the coworkers! We managed to realize the excitation of an exceptional nonlinear process, named Surface Stimulated Raman Scattering (SSRS), from a single-molecule layer grafted on a on-chip microcavity. The SSRS in turns boosts the Raman lasing performance of the device. Dec 2. 

Surface stimulated Raman had been considered to be not possible or challenging, since 1980 after the Bell Laboratory, United States failed to obtain on clear stimulated Raman spectra from molecules on a sapphire surface. From then on, surface nonlinear optics had been solely refered to surface second harmonic generation (SSHG), a well-estiblished surface nonliear optical technique pioneered by Yuen-Ron Shen at UC Berkeley in 1980s. 

Unlike traditioal ultrafast laser spectroscopic approaches, whispering gallery mode microresonators offer an otherwise non-achievable platform/tool for the excitation of nonlinear optical processes. Our work is the first demonstration of SSRS nonlinear process.

Xiaoqin Shen gave an invited talk at Institute of Chemistry, CAS, Beijing (中科院化学所). Nov 29. 

Xiaoqin Shen gave an oral presentation in The 12th International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meeting (POEM 2019), Wuhan, Hubei. Nov 14.

Xiaoqin Shen gave an invited talk at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronic (武汉光电国家研究中心). Nov 13.

Our paper published on Physical Review Letters was featured on cover(封面报道)and highlighted as editor's suggestion. Oct 25.Xiaoqin Shen gave an invited talk at the Microcavity Workshop, Photonics Asia 2019(亚洲光电子会议), Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Oct 20.

Our recent work collaborated with Yunfeng Xiao’s group at PKU was just accepted by Physical Review Letters, titled “Microcavity nonlinear optics with an organically functionalized surface”. Congratulations to all the coworkers!  Oct 1. 

Xiaoqin Shen gave an invited talk on 2019 Microcavity Photonics Symposium, Nankai University, Tianjin. Jun 2.

Selected Publications

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19.  R. Wang, Y. Dai, J. Cheng, R. Wang, X. Shen*, Molecule-induced surface second-order nonlinearity in an inversion symmetric microcavity. Under review. arXiv:2405.12483

18. Y. Yang, Y Qiu, B. Hua, J. Cai, Y. Zhang, K. Cao, X. Shen*, Q. Ji*, Large-domain monolayer MoS2 systhesis via local-feeding metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. ACS Materials Lett. 2024, 6, 2802

17. S. Yu, H. Kang, X. Shen, Y. Xue, W. Wan, C. Zou, B. Chen, J. Lu, Poling-assisted hydrofluoric acid wet etching of thin-film lithium niobate. Opt. Lett. 2024, 49, 85

16J. Xie#, Y. Wang#, H. Kang, J. Cheng, X. Shen*Hydrophobic silica microcavities with sustainable nonlinear photonic performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 41067.

15H. Wang, W. Xu, Q. Wei, S. Peng, Y. Shang, X. Jiang, D. Yu, K. Wang, R. Pu, C. Zhao , Z. Zang , H. Li , Y. Zhang, T. Pan, Z. Peng, X. Shen, S. Ling, W. Liu, F. Gao, Z. Ning, In-situ growth of low-dimensional perovskite-based insular nanocrystals for highly efficient light emitting diodes. Light: Science & Applications 2023, 12:62.

14.  N. Cheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, B. Li, H. Wang, S. Chen,  P. Zhao, J. Cui, X. Shen, X. Zhu, Y. Zheng, Hydrogel platform capable of molecularly resolved pulling on Cells.  Mater. Today Bio 2022, 17, 100476

13.  J Liu*, F. Bo*, L Chang*, C-H Dong*, X. Ou*, B. Regan*, X. Shen*, Q. Song*, B. Yao*, W. Zhang*, C-L Zou*, Y-F Xiao*, Emerging material platforms for integrated microcavity photonics (Invited Review).  Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 2022 65(10), 104201.

-- Also see Tencent News: 12位PI联合撰写|集成微腔光子学的新兴材料平台【SCPMA特邀综述】

12.  X. Shen*, H. Choi, D. Chen, W. Zhao, A. Armani*, Raman laser from an optical microcavity grafted with a single molecule layer. Nature Photonics 2020, 14, 90

---Also see ShanghaiTech News: 物质学院沈晓钦课题组在表面非线性光学研究取得重要进展

11.  J-h Chen#X. Shen#, S-J Tang, Q-T Cao, Q. Gong, Y-F Xiao*, Microcavity nonlinear optics with an organically functionalized surface. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019, 123, 173902

---Higlighted as Editor's suggestion and featured on the cover (Vol. 123, Iss. 17, Phys. Rev. Lett.)

---Also See ShanghaiTech News: 物质学院沈晓钦课题组与合作者在有机修饰微腔光学研究取得重要进展

---Selected publications before joining ShanghaiTech---

10.  X. Shen*, R. Beltran, V. Diep, S. Soltani, A. Armani*, Low threshold parametric oscillation in organically modified microcavities. Science Advances 2018, 4(1), eaao4507

---Selected as cover story for the brochure on CW Tunable Lasers for Quantum Applications, by Spectra-PhysicsTM

9.  L. Dou, Y. Zheng, X. Shen, G. Wu, K. Fields, W-C Hsu, H. Zhou, Y. Yang*, F. Wudl*, Single-crystal linear polymers through visible light-triggered topochemical quantitative polymerization. Science 2014, 343, 272

----Also see Perspectives by Nancy Goroff: ' A clear path for polymer crystallization', Science 2014, 343, 258

8.  X. Shen, Y. Zheng, F. Wudl*, Thermally induced reversible solide-state transformation of novel s-indancene 1,3,5,7-tetraone derivatives. J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 4 2427

7.  X. Shen, L. Li, A. Chan, S. Q. Yao, Q-H Xu*, Water soluble conjugated polymers for simultaneous two-photon cell imaging and two-photon photodynamic therapy. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2013, 1, 92

6.  X. Shen, S. Li, L. Li, S. Q. Yao, Q-H Xu*, Highly efficient conjugated polymer nano-photosensitizers for targeted two-photon photodynamic therapy and imaging. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 2214

5.  X. Shen, L. Li, H. Wu, S. Q. Yao, Q-H Xu*, Photosensitizer-doped conjugated polymer nanoparticles for simultaneous two-photon imaging and two-photon photodynamic therapy in living cells. Nanoscale 2011, 3, 5140

---Selected asTop 20 Articles in the domain 'two-photon, imaging, sensing, therapy' by DoMedLib, 2012

4.  X. Shen, L. Li, H. Wu, S. Q. Yao, Q-H Xu*, Enhanced two-photon single oxygen generation by photosensitizer-doped conjugated polymer nanoparticles. Langmuir 2011, 11, 19551

3.  L. Li, X. Shen, Q-H Xu, S. Q. Yao*, A switchable two-photon membrane tracer capable of imaging membranceassociated protein tyrosine phosphatase activities. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 1

2.  R. Shen, X. Shen, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Liu, H. Liu*, Multi-functional conjugates to prepare nucleolar-targeting CdS quantum dots. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8627

1.  X. Shen, H. Liu*, Y. Li, S. Liu, Click-together azobezene dendrons: synthesis and characterization. Macromolecules 2008, 41, 2421

---Highlighed in Noteworthy Chemistry ACS, May 2008, by Ben Zhong Tang

Group Members

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张毅乐 Yile Zhang

20 Postgraduate

BS: ShanghaiTech


成劲松 Jingsong Cheng

21 Postgraduate

BS: Qingdao Univeristy of Science and Technology

唐思雪 Sixue Tang

21 Postgraduate

BS: Hunan Normal University

王若宇 Ruoyu Wang

22 Postgraduate

BS: Ocean University of China

刘天豪 Tianhao Liu

23 Postgraduate

BS: Jiangxi University of Science and Technology

孙蔚熙 Weixi Sun

21 Undergraduate,ShanghaiTech University


射箭 团建. Oct 2023

真人CS大战. Oct 2021自助BBQ. Dec 2020



Hui Kang (Master 2024) Current: HISTARLINK 氦星光联科技 

Ru Wang (Master 2024) Current: 梅陇实验中学 

Jiadu Xie (Master 2023) Current: IC design engineer, AIchip 世芯电子 

Yue Dai (Master 2023) 

Yang Wang (Master 2022)  Current: product engineer, Galaxycore 格科微电子 

Liucheng Lv (Undergrad 2022)   Current: graduate student, ShanghahiTech

Congjie Ding (Undergrad 2020)  Current: graduate student, ShanghahiTech

Yile Zhang (Undergrad 2020) Current: graduate student, ShanghahiTech

Yuqi Qin Current: graduate sduent, Hongkong University of Science and Technology


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PHYS1193: General Physics II, Electromagnetisms and Optics (3 credits). Fall

MSE2502Fluorescence Spectroscopy and microscopy (3 credits). Fall

PHYS1501: Introduction to Modern Physics (Photonics section) (1 credit). Fall 
