


发表论文 Publications


Yuanfeng Yin, Bokai Zhang and Shuo Guo, "Bacterial turbulence at fluid interfaces" under review in Nature Communications


Haoxin Huang, Bokai Zhang and Shuo Guo, "Crowding accelerates the rotation of a bacterial rotor" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 994, A12 (2024)

Satyam Anand, Xiaolei MaShuo Guo, Stefano Martiniani and Xiang Cheng, "Transport and energetics of bacterial rectification" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA121, e2411608121(2024)


Yuanfeng Yin, Hsin-Tzu Yu, Hong Tan, Hong Cai, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Chien-Jung Lo and Shuo Guo, "Escaping speed of bacteria from confinement" Biophysical Journal, 121, 4656 (2022)


Shuo Guo, Yong Jian Wang, Hsuan-Yi Chen and Penger Tong, "Wetting dynamics of a lipid monolayer"  Langmuir, 37, 4879-4890 (2021)

Before Joining ShanghaiTech (2019.03)

Shuo Guo, Xianmin Xu, Tiezheng Qian, Masao Doi, and Penger Tong, "Onset of thin film meniscus along a fibre" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 865, 650 (2019)

Shuo Guo, Yegor Domanov, Mark Donovan, Christine Gourier, Bertrand Ducos, Yves Pomeau, Eric Perez, and Gustavo S. Luengo, "Anisotropic cellular forces support mechanical integrity of the Stratum Corneum barrrier" Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 92, 11(2019)

Shuo Guo, Devranjan Samanta, Yi Peng, Xinliang Xu and Xiang Cheng, "Symmetric shear banding and swarming vortices in bacterial superfluids" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA115, 7212 (2018)

Yong Jian Wang, Shuo Guo, Hsuan-Yi Chen and Penger Tong, "Understanding contact angle hysteresis on an ambient solid surface" Phys. Rev. E, 93, 052802 (2016)

Shuo Guo, Chun Huen Lee, Xiaoping Wang, Ping Sheng and Penger Tong, "Measurement of contact-line dissipation in a nanometer-thin soap film" Phys. Rev. E, 91, 012305 (2015)

Shuo Guo, Xiaomin Xiong, Zuli Xu, Ping Sheng and Penger Tong, "Measurement of the friction coefficient of a fluctuating contact line using an AFM-based dual-mode mechanical resonator" Chinese Physics B11, 116802 (2014)

Shuo Guo, Min Gao, Xiaomin Xiong, Yongjian Wang, XiaoPing Wang, Ping Sheng and Penger Tong, "Direct measurement of friction of a fluctuating contact line" Phys. Rev. Lett, 111, 026101 (2013)

Xiaomin Xiong, Shuo Guo, Zuli Xu, Ping Sheng and Penger Tong, "Development of an atomic-forcemicroscope-based hanging-fiber rheometer for interfacial microrheology" Phys. Rev. E, 80, 061604 (2009)
