



1. 1998 - 2002 东北师范大学 学士;
2. 2002 - 2005 北京大学 硕士 导师:田光善;
3. 2005 - 2009 德国波恩大学(Bonn University)博士 导师:Prof. Hartmut Monien;
4. 2009 - 2012 德国Wuerzburg大学 博士后 导师:Werner Hanke;
5. 2012 - 2015 德国Wuerzburg大学 项目coPI (德国国家重点研究项目SFB 1170 ToCoTronics,Giorgio Sangiovanni);
6. 2015 - 2017 奥地利维也纳技术大学 subgroup leader 合作导师:Karsten Held;
7. 2017年 - 至今 上海科技大学长聘副教授,独立研究员(PI);

1. 2023年上海市东方英才计划领军项目                                               
2. 2019年教育部长江学者奖励计划(青年项目)
3. 2018年上海市东方学者特聘教授

招贤纳士: 课题组长期招聘副研究员、助理研究员、博士后,享受上海科技大学教职工同等待遇,具有完整职业上升途径,完善的附属中小学教育。课题方法主要集中在: 1. 以第一性原理计算为基础的量子材料研究. 2. 以量子模型为基础的理论研究。课题方向主要为:1. 量子固体材料的理论计算;2. 量子多体方法的理论开发










准确描述电子强关联材料是凝聚态理论物理的一个难点,发展高效准确的量子多体方法一直是凝聚态理论领域中的研究热点。课题组在多个不同的量子多体方法上均有深入研究,利用费曼图微扰展开发展出了一套能够同时描述电子局域相互作用和非局域涨落的理论方法。目前课题组已经开发的量子多体程序库中包括:动力学平均场(DMFT),动力学团簇方法(dynamical cluster approach),实空间团簇动力学平均场(cluster DMFT),对偶费米子方法(dual-fermion)parquet方法;连续时间蒙特卡洛(including both hybridization-expansion and interaction-expansion flavors)。欢迎对量子多体方法和数值模拟感兴趣的同学报考课题组。





      《计算物理学》课程将介绍一些常用的计算物理方法,着重于培养学生建立从实际物理问题出发抽象出具体模型,并设计相应的数学方法直至编写程序解决问题的科学素养。本课程虽然不局限于任何具体的计算机语言,课程中涉及到的例子将主要用Fortran 2003语言来讲解。本课程主要由10周理论课程和5周上机实践课程组成。内容涵盖量子力学、固体物理和统计物理三个主要方向,具体包括一维谐振子、中心势场中的氢原子的薛定谔方程求解,密度泛函理论基础、大规模并行计算编程及自旋相互作用体系的蒙特卡洛模拟等。






【科研成果】2024年12月,胡聪、曲鸿斌、张雪峰于Phys. Rev. B上发表论文《Metal-Insulator Transition in Correlated Bilayer Kagome Model


【科研成果】2024年10月,胡聪以第一作者身份于EPL上发表论文《Realizing multiorbital Hubbard model with commensurate fillings in the paramagnetic phase of triangular magnetis Na2BaX(PO4)2 (X = Mn, Co, Ni)



【科研成果】2024年4月,苏云龙以第一作者身份于Phys. Rev. B上发表论文《Topological origin of antichiral edge states induced by a nonchiral phonon


【人员流动】2023年11月, 热烈祝贺博士生周瑞祥通过博士学位答辩,成为课题组第3位博士。




【科研成果】2023年7月,周瑞祥以第一作者身份于Phys. Rev. Research上发表论文《Doniach phase diagram of Kondo Lattice model on the square and triangular lattices

【科研成果】2023年7月,胡珈瑜和张雪峰以共同第一作者身份于Communications Physics上发表论文《Correlated flat bands and quantum spin liquid state in a cluster Mott insulator







【科研成果】2020年10月14日,周瑞祥以第三作者身份于Science Bulletin上发表论文《Electron-plasmon interaction induced plasmonic-polaron band replication in epitaxial perovskite SrIrO3 films

【科研成果】2020年9月1日,眭茜、张嘉鑫与金粟华以第一作者身份于Chinese Physics Letters上发表论文《Model Hamiltonian for the Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Iron-Halogenide




【科研成果】2020年7月1日,夏云悠悠与蔡潇婵于Physical Review B上发表Rapid Communications论文《Multitype Dirac fermions protected by orthogonal glide symmetries in a noncentrosymmetric system

【科研成果】2020年5月9日,夏云悠悠以共同一作身份于Chinese Physics Letters上发表Express Letter论文《Pressure-Induced Topological and Structural Phase Transitions in an Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator

【科研成果】2020年3月20日,史武军以第一作者身份于Physical Review B上发表论文《Nodal plane and persistent spin texture in a Weyl semimetal without mirror symmetry

【交流访问】2019年12月26日,上海纽约大学陈航晖教授访问课题组并作报告,题为“Emergent phenomena in correlated complex oxides

【交流访问】2019年11月13日, 东京大学Atsushi Fujimori教授访问课题组

【交流访问】2019年10月23日,苏黎世联邦理工学院牛海洋博士访问课题组并作报告,题为“Molecular dynamics driven by X-ray diffraction and its application in the study of nucleation of crystalline materials





【科研成果】2019年8月5日,Petra Pudleiner以第一作者身份于Physical Review B上发表论文《Competition between antiferromagnetic and charge density wave fluctuationsin the extended Hubbard model

【科研成果】2019年7月23日,本科生张嘉鑫与蔡潇婵以第一作者身份于Physical Review Letters上发表论文《Unveiling Electronic Correlation and the Ferromagnetic Superexchange Mechanism in the van der Waals Crystal CrSiTe3





【科研成果】2019年4月26日,夏云悠悠以第二作者身份于Applied Physics Letters上发表论文《Absorption edge, urbach tail, and electron-phonon interactions in topological insulator Bi2Se3 and band insulator (Bi0.89In0.11)2Se3

【科研成果】2019年3月11日,Petra Pudleiner以第一作者身份于Physical Review B上发表论文《Parquet approximation for molecules: Spectrum and optical conductivity of the Pariser-Parr-Pople model

【交流访问】2018年12月27日,上海交通大学Yoshi Kamiya教授访问课题组并作报告,题为“Non-semiclassical spin dynamics in the triangular lattice quantum antiferromagnet

【会议学校】2018年11月19日-20日,课题组参加Workshop for Topological Quantum Information WTQI-2018,课题组长作报告

【交流访问】2018年9月23日,新加坡科技设计大学杨声远教授访问课题组并作报告,题为“Quadratic Contact Points & Quadratic/Cubic Nodal Lines

【会议学校】2018年9月,课题组赴大连理工大学参加中国物理学会秋季学术会议CPS Fall Meeting,课题组长作报告


【交流访问】2018年7月25日,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学刘朝星教授访问课题组并作报告,题为“Unconventional superconductivity in superconducting topological materials

【会议学校】2018年7月2日-8日,博士生高鑫与本科生张嘉鑫赴奥地利维也纳参加“Bandstructure meets Quantum Field Theory”暑期学校


【交流访问】2018年6月15日,中科院宁波材料技术与工程研究所钟志诚研究员访问课题组并作报告,题为“Spin direction controlled electronic band structure in two dimensional ferromagnetic materials

【交流访问】2018年6月15日,维也纳技术大学Karsten Held教授访问课题组并作报告,题为“Dynamical vertex approximation: a route to non-local electronic correlations” 

【会议学校】2018年3月,夏云悠悠赴美国洛杉矶参加美国物理学会APS March Meeting,并作报告


【科研成果】2017年12月29日,夏云悠悠以第一作者身份于Physical Review B上发表Rapid Communications论文《Triply degenerate nodal points and topological phase transitions in NaCu3Te2》

【科研成果】2017年12月22日,夏云悠悠以第二作者身份于Physical Review Material上发表论文《Topological origin of the type-II Dirac fermions in PtSe2

【科研成果】2017年10月10日,夏云悠悠以共同一作身份于Physical Review B上发表论文《Photoemission study of the electronic structure of valence band convergent SnSe》,文章被选为“Editors' Suggestion


【交流访问】2017年7月1日-5日, UC San Diego教授Congjun Wu访问课题组并作报告,题为“Unconventional magnetism and spontaneous spin-orbit ordering





【交流访问】维也纳技术大学博士生Petra Pudleiner于2017年在我课题组交流访问,为期半年




5 most important papers

  1. F. Reis*, G. Li*, L. Dudy, M. Bauernfeind, S. Glass, W. Hanke, R. Thomale, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, Bismuthene on a SiC substrate: A candidate for a high-temperature quantum spin Hall material. Science 357, 8142 (2017)

  2. G. Li, P. Hoepfner, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, W. Hanke, Magnetic order in a frustrated two-dimensional atom lattice at a semiconductor surface. Nat. Commun. 4, 2617 (2013)

  3. L. Peng, Y. Yuan, G. Li#, X. Yang, J.J. Xian, C.J. Yi, Y.G. Shi, Y.S. Fu#, Observation of topological states residing at step edges of WTe2. Nat. Commun. 8, 41467 (2017)

  4. G. Li#, Hidden physics in the dual-fermion approach: A special case of a nonlocal expansion. Phys. Rev. B 91, 165134 (2015)

  5. Jiayu Hu, Xufeng Zhang, Cong Hu, Jian Sun, Xiaoqun Wang, Haiqing Lin, and Gang Li#Correlated flat bands and quantum spin liquid state in a cluster Mott insulator, Communications Physics 6, 172 (2023).

Full list of publications


Publication in 2024

  1. Xuefeng Zhang, Shichao Yan, and Gang Li#Enhanced charge density wave and the cluster Mott state driven by nonlocal electronic correlations in 1T-NbS2 Phys. Rev. B 110, 235137 (2024) 

  2. Cong HuHongbin Qu,Xuefeng Zhang, Xiao-Qun Wang, Hai-Qing Lin, and Gang Li#Metal-insulator transition in a correlated bilayer kagome modelPhys. Rev. B 110, 235144 (2024)

  3. Yidian Li, Yantao Cao, Liangyang Liu, Pai Peng, Hao Lin, Cuiying Pei, Mingxin Zhang, Heng Wu, Xian Du, Wenxuan Zhao, Kaiyi Zhai, Xuefeng Zhang, Jinkui Zhao, Miaoling Lin, Pingheng Tan, Yanpeng Qi, Gang Li#, Hanjie Guo#, Luyi Yang#, Lexian Yang#, Distinct ultrafast dynamics of bilayer and trilayer nickelate superconductors regarding the density-wave-like transitions. Science Bulletin (in press) 2024

  4. Cong Hu, Xufeng Zhang, Gang Li#Realizing multiorbital Hubbard model with commensurate fillings in the paramagnetic phase of triangular magnetis Na2BaX(PO4)2 (X = Mn, Co, Ni). EPL 148, 26002 (2024) 

  5. Yidian Li, Xian Du, Yantao Cao, Cuiying Pei, Mingxin Zhang, Wenxuan Zhao, Kaiyi Zhai, Runzhe Xu, Zhongkai Liu, Zhiwei Li, Jinkui Zhao, Gang Li#, Yanpeng Qi#, Hanjie Guo#, Yulin Chen, and Lexian Yang#, Electronic Correlation and Pseudogap-Like Behavior of High-Temperature  Superconductor La3Ni2O7Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 087402 (2024)

  6. Yunlong Su and Gang LiTopological origin of antichiral edge states induced by a nonchiral phononPhys. Rev. B 109, 155410 (2024)

  7. Xujie Zhu, Kezhen Li, Jian Liu, Zhou Wang, Zhihao Ding, Gang Li#, Ping Yu#. Topological Structure Realized in Cove-Edged Graphene Nanoribbons via Incorporation of Periodic Pentagon Rings.J. Amer. Chem. Soci., 146(11), 7152-7158 (2024).

    Publication in 2023

  8. Xinqi Liu, Puyang Huang, Yunyouyou Xia, Lei Gao, Liyang Liao, Baoshan Cui, Dirk Backes, Gerrit van der Laan, Thorsten Hesjedal, Yuchen Ji, Peng Chen, Yifan Zhang, Fan Wu, Meixiao Wang, Junwei Zhang, Guoqiang Yu, Cheng Song, Yulin Chen, Zhongkai Liu, Yumeng Yang, Yong Peng, Gang Li,* Qi Yao,* and Xufeng Kou*, Wafer-Scale Epitaxial Growth of the Thickness-Controllable Van Der Waals Ferromagnet CrTe2 for Reliable Magnetic Memory Applications, Adv. Funct. Mater.2023, 2304454

  9. Chenhaoping Wen,Tian Qin, Xuefeng Zhang, Mingxin Zhang, Weixiong Hu, Shiwei Shen, Zhongzheng Yang, Yanpeng Qi, Gang Li#and Shichao Yan#, Probing Hidden Mott Gap and Incommensurate Charge Modulation on the Polar Surfaces of PdCrO2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 116501 (2023) 

  10. Jiayu Hu, Xufeng Zhang, Cong Hu, Jian Sun, Xiaoqun Wang, Haiqing Lin, and Gang Li#, Correlated flat bands and quantum spin liquid state in a cluster Mott insulator, Communications Physics 6, 172 (2023).

  11. Ruixiang Zhou, Xuefeng Zhang, and Gang Li#, Doniach phase diagram of Kondo Lattice model on the square and triangular lattices.  Phys. Rev. Research Letter 5, L032014 (2023)

  12. Xingyuan Wang*, Xuefeng Zhang*, Yibo Sun, Hui Zhang, Cuiying Pei, Mohan Zhao, Jiayin Zhou, Qijuan Tang, Huiqi Chen, Bingxu Xi, Yanpeng Qi, Zhi Liu, Gang Li#, Xiaofei Guang#, Resistivity modulation of perovskite samarium nickelate with high-valence cations and the underlying mechanism, App. Surf. Sci. 624, 157103 (2023)

    Publication in 2022

  13. Yunlong Su, Jiayu Hu, Xiaochan Cai, Wujun Shi, Yunyouyou Xia, Yuanfeng Xu, Xuguang Xu, Yulin Chen, and Gang Li#, High-throughput first-principle prediction of collinear magnetic topological materials. npj Comput. Mat. 8, 261 (2022)

  14. Zhiwei Liu, Hongquan Liu, Jiaji Ma, Xiaoxuan Wang, Gang Li#, and Hanghui Chen#, ‘Emergent topological states via digital (001) oxide superlattices’, npj Comput. Mater. 8:208 (2022)

  15. Suhua Jin*, Yunyouyou Xia*, Wujun Shi, Jiayu Hu, Ralph Claessen, Werner Hanke, Ronny Thomale, and Gang Li#, ‘Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall states induced by functionalizing buckled Bi-III monolayer/Al2O3, Phys. Rev. B 106, 125151 (2022)

  16. Yunyouyou Xia*, Suhua Jin*, Jiayu Hu, Ralph Claessen, Werner Hanke, Ronny Thomale, and Gang Li#, ‘Band-inversion induced large-gap quantum spin Hall states in III-Bi-monolayer/SiO2’, Phys. Rev. B 106, 165203 (2022)

  17. Xin Qu, Peng Xu, Rusong Li, Gang Li#, Lixin He#, Xinguo Ren#, ‘Density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory within the framework of linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals: Formulation and benchmarks’, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 18, 9, 5589-5606 (2022)

  18. Han Wu*, Alannah M. Hallas*, Xiaochan Cai*, Jianwei Huang, Ji Seop Oh, Vaideesh Loganathan, Ashley Weiland, Gregory T. McCandless, Julia Y. Chen, Sung-Kwan Mo, Donghui Lu, Makoto Hashimoto, Jonathan Denlinger, Robert J. Birgeneau, Andriy H. Nevidomsky, Gang Li#, Emilia Morosan*, and Ming Yi*, ‘Nonsymmorphic symmetry-protected band crossings in a square-net metal PtPb4’.  npj Quantum Materials 7, 31 (2022)

  19. Z. Huang*, W. L. Liu*, H.Y. Wang*, Y.L. Su*, Z.T. Liu, X.B. Shi, S.Y. Gao, Z.Y. Chen, Y.J. Yan, Z.C. Jiang, Z.H. Liu, J.S. Liu, X.L. Lu, Y.C. Yang, W. Xia, Y.B. Huang, S. Qiao, W.W. Zhao, Y.F. Guo, Gang Li#, D.W. Shen#, ‘Dual topological states in the layered titanium-based oxypnictide superconductor BaTi2Sb2O’, npj Quantum Materials 7, 1 (2022)

  20. R. Stühler, A. Kowalewski, F. Reis, D. Jungblut, F. Dominguez, B. Scharf, G. Li, J. Schäfer, E. M. Hankiewicz, and R. Claessen, ‘Effective lifting of the topological protection of quantum spin Hall edge states by edge coupling’,Nat. Commun. 13, 3480 (2022)

  21. Xin Gao, Jian Sun, Xiangang Wan, and Gang Li#, ‘Competition of quantum anomalous Hall states and charge density wave in a correlated topological model’, Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 077101 (2022)

  22. Julian Maklar, Raúl Stühler, Maciej Dendzik, Tommaso Pincelli, Shuo Dong, Samuel Beaulieu, Alexander Neef, Gang Li, Martin Wolf, Ralph Ernstorfer, Ralph Claessen, Ralph, and Laurenz Rettig, ‘Ultrafast Momentum-Resolved Hot Electron Dynamics in the Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator Bismuthene’, Nano Lett. 13, 5420 (2022)

  23. X. Gu, X., C. Chen, W.S. Wei, W. S., L. L. Gao, J. Y. Liu, X. Du, D. Pei, J. S. Zhou, R. Z. Xu, Z. X. Yin, W. X. Zhao, Y. D. Li, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, D. Backes, L. S. I. Veiga, S. Dhesi, T. Hesjedal, G. van der Laan, H. F. Du, W. J. Jiang, Y. P. Qi, G. Li, W. J. Shi, Z. K. Liu, and Y. L. Chen, and L. X. Yang,  ‘Robust Kagome electronic structure in the topological quantum magnets XMn6Sn6 (X=Dy, Tb, Gd, Y)’, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155108 (2022)

  24. Weizheng Cao*, Yunlong Su*, Qi Wang, Cuiying Pei, Lingling Gao, Yi Zhao, Changhua Li, Na Yu, Jinghui Wang, Zhongkai Liu, Yulin Chen, Gang Li#, Jun Li, Yanpeng Qi, Quantum Oscillations in Noncentrosymmetric Weyl Semimetal SmAlSi, Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 047501 (2022)

  25. Chuanghua Li*, Yunlong Su*, Cuiwei Zhang, Cuiying Pei, Weizheng Cao, Qi Wang, Yi Zhao, Lingling Gao, Shihao Zhu, Mingxin Zhang, Yulin Chen, Youguo Shi, Gang Li#, Yanpeng Qi#, Pressure-Tuning Superconductivity in Noncentrosymmetric Topological Materials ZrRuAs, Materials 15, 21 (2022)

    Publication in 2021

  26. Cuiying Pei*, Suhua Jin*, Peihao Huang, Anna Vymazalova, Lingling Gao, Yi Zhao, Weizheng Cao, Changhua Li, Peter Nemes-Incze, Yulin Chen, Hanyu Liu, Gang Li#, and Yanpeng Qi#, ‘Pressure-induced superconductivity and structure phase transition in Pt2HgSe3’, npj Quantum Materials, 6, 98 (2021)

  27. Qi Wang, Pengfei Kong, Wujun Shi, Cuiying Pei, Chenhaoping Wen, Lingling Gao, Yi Zhao, Qiangwei Yin, Yueshen Wu, Gang Li, Hechang Lei, Jun Li, Yulin Chen, Shichao Yan, and Yanpeng Qi, ‘Charge Density Wave Orders and Enhanced Superconductivity under Pressure in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5’, Adv. Mat. 42, 2102813 (2021) 

  28. Michael Klett, Tilman Schwemmer, Sebastian Wolf, Sebastian, Xianxin Wu, David Riegler, Andreas Dittmaier, Domenico Di Sante, Gang Li, Werner Hanke, Stephan Rachel, and Ronny Thomale, ‘From high Tc to low Tc: Multiorbital effects in transition metal oxides’, Phys. Rev. B 104, L100502 (2021)

  29. Lingling Gao, Shiwei Shen, Qi Wang, Wujun Shi, Yi Zhao, Changhua Li, Weizheng Gao, Cuiying Pei, Jun-Yi Ge, Gang Li, Jun Li, Yulin Chen, Shichao Yan, and Yanpeng Qi, ‘Anomalous Hall effect in ferrimagnetic metal RMn6Sn6 (R=Tb, Dy, Ho) with clean Mn Kagome lattice’, App. Phys. Lett. 9, 092405 (2021)

  30. Xin Gao, Cong Hu, Jian Sun, Xiao-Qun Wang, Hai-Qing Lin, and Gang Li#, ’Reentrant metal-insulator transition and competing magnetic interactions on a triangular lattice with second nearest-neighbor hopping‘, Phys. Rev. B 103.235134 (2021)

  31.  Zhengtai Liu, Wanling Liu, Ruixiang ZhouSonghua Cai, Yekai Song, Qi Yao, Xiangle Lu, Jishan Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Zhen Wang, Yi Zheng, Peng Wang, Zhi Liu, Gang Li# andDawei Shen*, Electron-plasmon interaction induced plasmonic-polaron band replication in epitaxial perovskite SrIrO3 films, Science Bulletin 66, 433-440 (2021)

  32. D. Pei, Y.-Y. Lv, Y. Y. Y. Xia, Y. W. Li, J. Y. Liu, N. B. M. Schr\oter, C. Cacho, Z. K. Liu, L. X. Yang, G. Li, Y. B. Chen, and Y. L. Chen, Electronic structure of a thermoelectric material: BiCuSO, Phys. Rev. B 103, 245121 (2021)

  33. R. Wang, J. Sun, D. Meyers, J. Q. Lin, J. Yang, G. Li, H, Ding, Anthony D. DiChiara, Y. Cao, Y., J. Liu, M. P. M. Dean, Haidan Wen, and X. Liu, ‘Single-Laser-Pulse-Driven Thermal Limit of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Magnetic Ordering in Sr2IrO4’, Phys. Rev. X 11, 041023 (2021)

  34. Sheng Li, Yichen Zhang, Hanlin Wu, Huifei Zhai, Wenhao Liu, Daniel Peirano Petit, Ji Seop Oh, Jonathan Denlinger, Gregory T. McCandless, Julia Y. Chan, Robert J. Birgeneau, Gang Li, Ming Yi, and Bing Lv, ‘Transport anomalies in the layered compound BaPt4Se6’, npj Quan. Mater. 6, 80 (2021)

  35. Yang Shen, Xiangang Wan, Qingbiao Zhao, Gang Li#, and Chun-Gang Duan#, ‘Non-d(0) ferroelectricity from semicovalent superexchange in bismuth ferrite’, Phys. Rev. B 104, 024421 (2021)

  36. L. X. Xu, Y. Y. Y. Xia, S. Liu, Y. W. Li, L.Y. Wei, H. Y. Wang, C. W. Wang, H. F. Yang, A. J. Liang, K. Huang, T. Deng, W. Xia, X. Zhang, H. J. Zheng, Y. J. Cheng, L. X. Yang, M. X. Wang, Y. F. Guo, G. Li, Z. K. Liu, Y. L. Chen, ‘Evidence of a topological edge state in a. superconducting nonsymmorphic nodal-line semimetal’. Phys. Rev. B 103, L201109 (2021)

    Publication in 2020

  37. Zhengtai Liu, Wanling Liu, Ruixiang Zhou, Songhua Cai Yekai Song, Qi Yao, Xiangle Lu, Jishan Liu, Zhonghao Liu, Zhen Wang, Yi Zheng, Peng Wang, Zhi Liu, Gang Li* and Dawei Shen*, Electron-plasmon interaction induced plasmonic-polaron band replication in epitaxial perovskite SrIrO3 films, Science Bulletin (in press)

  38. Lixuan Xu, Yuanhao Mao, Hongyuan Wang, Jiaheng Li, Yujie Chen, Yunyouyou Xia, Yiwei Li, Ding Pei, Jing Zhang, Huijun Zheng, Kui Huang, Chaofan Zhang, Shengtao Cui, Aiji Liang, Wei Xia, Hao Su, Sungwon Jung, Cephise Cacho, Meixiao Wang, Gang Li, Yong Xu, Yanfeng Guo, Lexian Yang, Zhongkai Liu, Yulin Chen, and Mianheng Jiang, Persistent surface states with diminishing gap in MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3 superlattice antiferromagnetic topological insulator, Science Bulletin 65 (2020) 2086–2093

  39. Nils Wentzel, Gang Li, Agnese, Tagliavini; Ciro, Taranto; Georg, Rohringer; Karsten, Held; Alessandro, Toschi; Sabine, Andergassen, Phys. Rev. B, 102(8), 085106 (2020)

  40. Qian Sui, Jiaxin Zhang, Suhua Jin, Yunyouyou Xia, and Gang Li*, Model Hamiltonian for the Quantum Anomalous Hall State in Iron-Halogenide,Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 097301 (2020)

  41. Xia Yunyouyou, Cai Xiaochan, and Li Gang*. Multitype Dirac fermions protected by orthogonal glide symmetries in a noncentrosymmetric system.Phys. Rev. B 102, 041201 (2020)

  42. Puiying Pei, Yunyouyou Xia, Jiazhen Wu, Yi Zhao, Lingling Gao, Tianping Ying, Bo Gao, Nana Li, Wenge Yang, Dongzhou Zhang, Huiyang Gou, Yulin Chen, Hideo Hosono, Gang Li*, and Yanpeng Qi*, Pressure-Induced Topological and structure phase transition in an antiferromagnetic topological insulator. Chin. Phys. Lett. 37, 066401 (2020)

  43. Shi Wujun, and Li, Gang*. Nodal plane and persistent spin texture in a Weyl semimetal without mirror symmetry.Phys. Rev. B 101, 125207 (2020)

  44. Xing Yang, Jing-Jing Xian, Gang Li, Naoto Nagaosa, Wen-Hao Zhang, Le Qin, Zhi-Mo Zhang, Jing-Tao Lü*, and Ying-Shuang Fu*. Possible phason-polaron effect on purely one-dimensional charge order of Mo6Se6 nanowires. Phys. Rev. X 10, 031061 (2020)

  45. X. Xu, Y. W. Li, S. R. Duan, S. L. Zhang, Y. J. Chen, L. Kang, A. J. Liang, C. Chen, W. Xia, Y. Xu, P. Malinowski, X. D. Xu, J.-H. Chu, G. Li, Y. F. Guo, Z. K. Liu, L. X. Yang, and Y. L. Chen, Signature for non-Stoner ferromagnetism in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2. Phys. Rev. B 101.201104 (2020)

  46. Peng Chen, Yong Zhang, Qi Yao, Fugu Tian, Lun Li, Zhengkun Qi, Xiaoyang Liu, Liyang Liao, Cheng Song, Jingyuan Wang, Jing Xia, Gang Li, David M. Burn, Gerrit van der Laan, Thorsten Hesjedal, Shilei Zhang*, Xufeng Kou* Tailoring hybrid anomalous Hall response in engineered magnetic Topological Insulator heterostructures. Nano Letter 3, 1731 (2020)

  47. Hao Su, Benchao Gong, Wujun Shi, Haifeng Yang, Hongyuan Wang, Wei Xia, Zhenhai Yu, Peng-Jie Guo, Jinhua Wang, Linchao Ding, Liangcai Xu, Xiaokang Li, Xia Wang, Zhiqiang Zou, Na Yu, Zengwei Zhu, Yulin Chen, Zhongkai Liu, Kai Liu, Gang Li*, Yanfeng Guo*. Magnetic exchange induced Weyl state in a semimetal EuCd2Sb2. APL Materials 8, 011109 (2020)

  48. Lin, Jiaqi;  Yuan, Jie;  Jin, Kui;  Yin, Zhiping;  Li, Gang;  Zhou, Ke-Jin;  Lu, Xingye;  Dantz, Marcus;  Schmitt, Thorsten;  Ding, Hong;  Guo, Haizhong;  Dean, Mark P. M.;  Liu, Xuerong*, Doping evolution of the charge excitations and electron correlations in electron-doped superconducting La2-xCexCuO4. npj Quantum Materials, 5, 4 (2020)

    Publication in 2019

  49. Petra Pudleiner, Anna Kauch, Karsten Held* and Gang Li*, Competition between antiferromagnetic and charge density wave fluctuations in the extended Hubbard model. Phys. Rev. B 100, 075108 (2019)

  50. Jiaxin Zhang, Xiaochan Cai, Wie Xia, Aiji Liang, Junwei Huang, Chengwei Wang, Lexian Yang, Hongtao Yuan, Yulin Chen, Shilei Zhang, Yanfeng Guo*, Zhongkai Liu* and Gang Li*, Unveiling Electronic Correlation and the Ferromagnetic Superexchange Mechanism in the van der Waals Crystal CrSiTe3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 047203 (2019)

  51. G. Li*, A. Kauch, P. Pudleiner, and K. Held, The victory project v1.0: An efficient parquet equations solver, Comp. Phys. Commun. 03.008(2019), doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2019.03.008

  52. Jiajun Zhu, Yunyouyou Xia, Gang Li, Shengqiang Zhou, S. Wimmer, G. Spingholz, A. Pashkin, M. Helm and H. Schneider, Absorption edge, urbach tail, and electron-phonon interactions in topological insulator Bi2Se3 and band insulator (Bi0.89In0.11)2Se3. App. Phys. Lett. 114, 162105 (2019)

  53. M. Ye, T. Xu, G. Li, S. Qian, Y. Takeda, Y. Saitoh, X.-Y. Zhu, M. Nurmamat, K. Sumida, Y. Ishida, S. Shin, and A. Kimura, Negative Te spin polarization responsible for ferromagnetic order in the doped topological insulator V0.04(Sb1−xBix)1.96Te3, Phys. Rev. B 99, 144413 (2019)

  54. P. Pudleiner, P. Thunstrom, A. Valli, A. Kauch, G. Li and K. Held, Parquet approximation for molecules: Spectrum and optical conductivity of the Pariser-Parr-Pople model, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125111 (2019)

    Publication in 2018

  55. G. Li*, W. Hanke, E.M. Hankiewicz, F. Reis, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, C. Wu and R. Thomale, Theoretical paradigm for the quantum spin Hall effect at high temperatures, Phys. Rev. B 98, 165146 (2018)

  56. F. Dominguez, B. Scharf, G. Li, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, W. Hanke, R. Thomale and E.M. Hankiewicz, Testing topological protection of edge stats in hexagonal quantum spin Hall candidate materials, Phys. Rev. B 98, 161407 (2018)

  57. X. Su, Z. Xue, G. Li* and P. Yu*, Edge State Engineering of Graphene Nanoribbons, Nano Lett. 18, 5744 (2018)

  58. C. Chen, M. Wang, J. Wu, H. Fu, H. YangZ. Tian, T. TuH. PengY. SunX. XuJ. JiangN. B. M. SchröterY. LiD. PeiS. LiuS. A. EkahanaH. YuanJ. XueG. LiJ. JiaZ. LiuB. YanH. Pengand Y. Chen, Electronic structures and unusually robust bandgap in an ultrahigh-mobility layered oxide semiconductor, Bi2O2Se, Science Advances 4:eaat8355 (2018)

  59. Y. Shang, G. Li, W. Liu and Z. Ning, Quasi-2D Inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite for efficient and stable light-emitting diodes, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, 22 (2018)

  60. C. Turner, D. Koumoulis, G. Li, Z. Zujovic, R.E. Taylor, R.B. Kaner, Synthesis and characterization of aluminum diboride products using Al-27, B-11 NMR and n.04-07, ab-initio studies, Journal of Materials Science 53, 3309 (2018)

    Publication in 2017

  61. F. Reis*, G. Li*, L. Dudy, M. Bauernfeind, S. Glass, W. Hanke, R. Thomale, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, Bismuthene on a SiC substrate: A candidate for a high-temperature quantum spin Hall material, Science 357, 8142 (2017)

  62. L. Peng, Y. Yuan, G. Li#, X. Yang, J.J. Xian, C.J. Yi, Y.G. Shi, Y.S. Fu#, Observation of topological states residing at step edges of WTe2, Nat. Commun. 8, 41467 (2017)

  63. L. Si, O. Janson, G. Li#, Z. Zhong, Z.L. Liao, G. Koster, K. Held#, Quantum anomalous Hall states in ferromagnetic SrRuO3(111) Bilayers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 026402 (2017)

  64. C. Platt, G. Li, M. Fink, R. Thomale, Evolution of superconducting gap anisotropy in hole-doped 122 iron pnictides, Physica status solidi B-basic solid state physics 254 (2017)

  65. C.W. Wang, Y.Y.Y. Xia, Z. Tian, J. Jiang, B.H. Li, S.T. Cui, H.F. Yang, A.J. Liang, X.Y. Zhan, G.H. Hong, S. Liu, C. Chen, M.X. Wang, L.X. Yang, Z. Liu, Q.X. Mi, G. Li, J.M. Xue, Z.K. Liu, Y.L. Chen, Photoemission study of the electronic structure of valence band convergent SnSe, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165118 (2017)

  66. G. Li*#, B.H. Yan, Z.J. Wang, K. Held, Topological Dirac semimetal phase in Pd and Pt oxides, Phys. Rev. B 95, 035102 (2017)

  67. Y.W. Li, Y.Y.Y. Xia, S.A. Ekahana, N. Kumar, J. Jiang, L.X. Yang, C. Chen, C.X. Liu, B.H. Yan, C. Felser, G. Li, Z.K. Liu, Y.L. Chen, Topological origin of the type-II Dirac fermions in PtSe2, Phys. Rev. Mat. 7, 074202 (2017)

  68. Y.Y.Y. Xia, G. Li#Triply degenerate nodal points and topological phase transitions in NaCu3Te2, Phys. Rev. B 96, 241204 (2017)

    Publication before 2017

  69. S. Glass, F. Reis, M. Bauernfeind, J. Aulbach, M.R. Scholz, F. Adler, L. Dudy, G. Li, R. Claessen, J. Schaefer, Atomic-scale mapping of layer-by-layer hydrogen etching and passivation of SiC(0001) substrates, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 10361 (2016)

  70. G. Li*#, N. Wentzell, P. Pudleiner, K. Held, Efficient implementation of the parquet equations: Role of the reducible vertex function and its kernel approximation, Phys. Rev. B 93, 165103 (2016)

  71. P. Pudleiner, T. Schafer, D. Rost, G. Li, K. Held, N. Blumer, Momentum structure of the self-energy and its parameterization for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. B 93, 195134 (2016)

  72. G. Li#, W. Hanke, G. Sangiovanni, B. Tauzettel, Interacting weak topological insulators and their transition to Dirac semimetal phases, Phys. Rev. B 92, 235149 (2016)

  73. G. Li#, Hidden physics in the dual-fermion approach: A special case of a nonlocal expansion, Phys. Rev. B 91, 165134 (2015)

  74. X. Zhang, W. Wu, G. Li, Q. Sun, A.C. Ji, Phase diagram of interacting Fermi gas in spin-orbit coupled squared lattice, New J. Phys. 17, 073036 (2015)

  75. M. Laubach, R. Thomale, C. Platt, W. Hanke, G. Li#, Phase diagram of the Hubbard model on the anisotropic triangular lattice, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245125 (2015)

  76. G. Li*#, B.H. Yan, R. Thomale, W. Hanke, Topological nature and the multiple Dirac cones hidden in Bismuth high-Tc superconductor, Sci. Rep. 5,10435 (2015)

  77. S. Glass, G. Li, F. Adler, J. Aulbach, A. Fleszar, R. Thomale, W. Hanke, R. Claessen, J. Schaefer#, Triangular spin-orbit-coupled lattice with strong coulomb correlations: Sn atoms on a SiC(0001) substrate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 247602 (2015)

  78. G. Li*#, A. Antipov, A. Rubtsov, S. Kirchner, W. Hanke, Competing phases of the Hubbard model on a triangular lattice: Insights from the entropy, Phys. Rev. B 89, 161118(2014)

  79. A. Barfuss, L. Dudy, M.R. Scholtz, M.R. Scholz, H. Roth, P. Hoepfner, C. Blumenstein, G. Landolt, J.H. Dil, N.C. Plumb, M. Radovic, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, A. Fleszar, G. Bihlmayer, D. Wortmann, G. Li, W. Hanke, R. Claessen, J. Schaefer, Elemental topological insulator with tunable Fermi level: strained alpha-Sn on InSb(001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 157205 (2013)

  80. G. Li, P. Hoepfner, J. Schaefer, R. Claessen, W. Hanke, Magnetic order in a frustrated two-dimensional atom lattice at a semiconductor surface. Nat. Commun. 4, 2617 (2013)

  81. G. Li, W. Hanke, Efficient treatment of the high-frequency tail of the self-energy function and its relevance for multiorbital models, Phys. Rev. B 85, 115103 (2012)

  82. J.C. Budich, R. Thomale, G. Li, M. Laubach, S.C. Zhang, Fluctuation-induced topological quantum phase transitions in quantum spin-Hall and anomalous-Hall insulators, Phys. Rev. B 86, 201407 (2012)

  83. G. Li*#, M. Laubach, A. Fleszar, W. Hanke, Geometrical frustration and the competing phases of the Sn/Si(111) root 3 x root 3 R30 degree surface systems. Phys. Rev. B 83, 041104 (2011)

  84. G. Li#, W. Hanke, A.N. Rubtsov, S. Baese, M. Potthoff, Accessing thermodynamics from dynamical cluster-embedding approaches. Phys. Rev. B 80, 195118 (2009)

  85. H. Hafermann, G. Li, A.N. Rubtsov, M.I. Katsnelson, A.I. Lichtenstein, H. Monien, Efficient perturbation theory for quantum lattice model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 206401 (2008)

  86. G. Li, H. Lee, H. Monien, Determination of the lattice susceptibility within the dual fermion method, Phys. Rev. B. 78, 195105 (2008)

  87. H. Lee, G. Li, H. Monien, Hubbard model on the triangular lattice using dynamical cluster approximation and dual fermion methods. Phys. Rev. B 78, 205117 (2008)

  88. G. Li, G.S. Tian, Ferromagnetism in an itinerant electron cluster, Commun. Theore. Phys. 44, 188 (2005)





















    胡珈瑜,2021-2024 硕士

    苏云龙,2018-2024 博士

    周瑞祥,2018-2023 博士

    金粟华,2020-2023 硕士

    高鑫, 2017-2022博士,壁仞科技


    孙健, 2018-2021博士后,上海第二工业大学讲师

    史武军,2015-2018博士后,上科大 大科学中心副研究员

    Petra Pudleiner,2017年交流博士生,TU Wien,Austria

















