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2024.12 李健获 “Wiley威立中国高贡献作者奖”!学校新闻 2024.5 祝贺巴方获得2024年上海科技大学研究生 (博士) 优秀毕业生称号! 2024.3 课题组组织多人参加第二届合成生物学与生物医学健康大会 (上海),李健受邀做学术报告,季向阳同学获得“优秀海报奖”! 2023.12 李健受邀参加《麻省理工科技评论》中国举办的线上交流会“平台化加速产业化,开启合成生物新未来”,并做以“无细胞合成生物学”为主题的分享交流。线上链接 2023.10 祝贺张宇浩获得2023年硕士研究生国家奖学金! 2023.5 祝贺黄曙惠获得2023年上海科技大学研究生 (博士) 优秀毕业生称号! 2023.5 李健受邀参加第52期 SATOL 科学Talk "合成生物,创启未来的造物方式",并做以“无细胞合成生物学”为主题的讲座。 2023.5 课题组组织多人参加第八届上海合成生物学创新战略联盟年会,李健主持新发展论坛一“合成生物学源头创新”;巴方和季向阳同学分别获得“优秀海报奖”! 2023.5 课题组关于无细胞生物合成非天然氨基酸的研究论文入选美国化学会 ACS Editors' Choice 亮点报道!学校新闻 2023.4 课题组关于构建大肠杆菌利用赤藓糖醇的研究成果在Advanced Science期刊发表,并受到多家媒体及公众号的关注与报道!学校新闻 (中文)、学校新闻 (英文)、科学网、中国科学报、生辉SynBio 2023.1 李健受邀在Nature Chemistry发表 “新闻&观点 (News&Views) ” 文章。文章链接 2022.4 课题组关于SYMBIOSIS的论文被Faculty Opinions (原F1000 Prime) 推荐介绍,并被推荐为最高等级 (Exceptional),推荐全文如下: 2022.3 李健受邀担任Frontiers in Natural Products杂志创刊副主编 (Associate Editor),负责天然产物生物合成方向稿件。 2021.9 李健受邀继续担任Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 客座编辑(Guest Topic Editor)出版以“Cell-Free Synthetic Biology, Volume II”为主题的第二期研究专刊(Research Topic)。https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/26520/cell-free-synthetic-biology-volume-ii 2021.7 实验室组织多人参加中国生物工程学会第五届青年科技论坛,李健做题为《无细胞合成生物学驱动高效生物合成》的会议报告。 2021.5 实验室组织多人参加第四届生物化工青年学者论坛,大家通过参会广泛了解研究进展,并与学术同行进行了深入交流,扩展了大家的视野。 2021.4 实验室组织前往上海迪士尼春游活动,学习之余大家放松了身心。
2021.3 李健参加德国第六届BioProScale在线会议并做Poster报告,同时获得会议Poster奖 (2nd Place Award)! 2021.3 课题组邀请清华大学卢元副教授到实验室交流,并做题为《无细胞合成生物学:从原型设计到应用拓展》的学术报告。 2021.1 课题组举行2020年年终总结交流会,大家总结了过去,展望了未来,对新的一年充满了憧憬! 2020.12 实验室组织多人参加2020年上海市微生物学会/生物工程学会青年论坛,李健受邀做会议报告,许慧玲获得论坛“优秀墙报”奖! 2020.10 实验室组织农家乐秋游活动,挖红薯、垂钓、烧烤、聚餐...大家通过这次活动放松了身心,增进了交流! 2019.12 课题组邀请上海交通大学林双君教授到实验室交流,并做题为《微生物生物碱生物合成》的学术报告。 2019.11 课题组邀请中科院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所王勇研究员到实验室交流,并做题为Natural Product Synthetic Biology: From Bacteria to Plant的学术报告。 2019.10 李健受邀担任Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 客座编辑(Guest Topic Editor)出版以“Cell-Free Synthetic Biology”为主题的研究专刊(Research Topic)。https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/12103/cell-free-synthetic-biology 2019.9 课题组邀请复旦大学张琪教授到实验室交流,并做题为Discovery and Biosynthesis of Ribosomally Synthesized and Posttranslationally Modified Peptides (RiPPs)的学术报告。
2019.4 李健参加中国生物工程学会第四届青年科技论坛并做大会报告,会前,李健入选为中国生物工程学会青年工作委员会委员。 2019.4 实验室组织前往上海野生动物园一日游,科研之余,大家放松了心情,加强了交流,增进了感情! 2019.3 李健受邀参加由日本生物工学会主办的首届Sakura-Bio会议并做大会报告。 2018.10 李健担任共同指导老师带领上海科技大学iGEM团队获得2018年国际基因工程机器大赛(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition, iGEM)全球总决赛金牌。 2018.8 李健受邀担任Springer Nature出版社《SN Applied Sciences》杂志编委。 2018.7 李健参加第四届合成生物学青年学者论坛(Synthetic Biology Young Scholar Forum)并做大会报告。 2017.9 上海科技大学无细胞合成生物学(Cell-Free Synthetic Biology)课题组正式成立! |
发表论文 | ![]() |
(*Corresponding author, #Equal contribution)
68. Ba F#, Zhang Y#, Wang L#, Ji X, Liu WQ, Ling S, Li J*. Integrase enables synthetic intercellular logic via bacterial conjugation. Cell Systems, 2025, Accepted 67. Wang L#, Ba F#, Zhang Y, Liu WQ, Li J*. Establishing a serine integrase-based genetic memory system in vitro. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2025, Accepted 66. Zhu J#, Meng Y#, Gao W#, Yang S, Zhu W, Ji X, Zhai X, Liu WQ, Luo Y, Ling S*, Li J*, Liu Y*. AI-driven high-throughput droplet screening of cell-free gene expression. Nature Communications, 2025, 16, 2720 65. Guo Y, Huang S, Liu WQ, Li J*. Research progress on the utilization of cell-free synthetic biology in biomedical applications. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences (in Chinese), 2025, Accepted 郭意瑶,黄曙惠,刘晚秋,李健*. 无细胞合成生物学在生物医学领域的应用研究进展. 生命科学, 2025, 已接收 64. Zhang Y, Huang S, Liu WQ, Li J*. Biocatalytic reductive amination for in vitro biosynthesis of the Amaryllidaceae alkaloid precursor. ChemCatChem, 2025, 17, e202401811 63. Lu H, Wu C*, Li J*. Enzyme-particle complexes facilitate Pickering interfacial biocatalysis. ChemPlusChem, 2025, 90, e202400644 62. Ba F, Zhang Y, Wang L, Liu WQ, Li J*. Blue-purple evaluation: Chromoproteins facilitate the identification of BioBrick compatibility. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2025, 122, 233–241 61. Ouyang J, Li J, Wu C. Protein-polymer conjugates: Advancing enzyme catalysis in synthetic chemistry. ChemCatChem, 2025, 17, e202401180 60. Lu Y#, Zheng X#, Liu WQ, Ling S, Li J*. Chitin-functionalized cell-free system enables sustainable biocatalysis and gene expression. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12, 18219–18230 59. Zhang Y, Ba F, Huang S, Liu WQ, Li J*. Orthogonal serine integrases enable scalable gene storage cascades in bacterial genome. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2024, 13, 3022–3031 58. Ma GL#, Liu WQ#, Huang F, Yan XF, Shen W, Visitsatthawong S, Prakinee K, Tran H, Fan X, Gao YG, Chaiyen P, Li J*, Liang ZX*. An enzymatic oxidation cascade converts δ-thiolactone anthracene to anthraquinone in the biosynthesis of anthraquinone-fused enediynes. JACS Au, 2024, 4, 2925–2935 57. Liu WQ#, Ji X#, Ba F, Zhang Y, Xu H, Huang S, Zheng X, Liu Y*, Ling S*, Jewett MC*, Li J*. Cell-free biosynthesis and engineering of ribosomally synthesized lanthipeptides. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 4336 新闻报道 56. Liu Y, Huang S, Liu WQ, Ba F, Liu Y, Ling S, Li J*. An in vitro hybrid biocatalytic system enabled by a combination of surface-dispalyed, purified, and cell-free expressed enzymes. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2024, 13, 1434–1441 55. Ba F, Zhang Y, Liu WQ, Li J*. Rainbow screening: Chromoproteins enable visualized molecular cloning. Biotechnology Journal, 2024, 19, 2400114
54. Ouyang J, Zhang Z, Li J*, Wu C*. Integrating enzymes with supramolecular polymers for recyclable photobiocatalytic catalysis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202400105 53. Ba F, Zhang Y, Ji X, Liu WQ, Ling S, Li J*. Expanding the toolbox of probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 for synthetic biology. Biotechnology Journal, 2024, 19, 2300327
52. Lu H, Ouyang J, Liu WQ, Wu C*, Li J*. Enzyme-polymer-conjugate-based Pickering emulsions for cell-free expression and cascade biotransformation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, e202312906 新闻报道 51. Wang L, Zhang Y, Liu WQ, Ba F*, Li J*. Serine integrase-based recombination enables direct plasmid assembly in vivo. Synthetic Biology and Engineering, 2023, 1, 10017 50. Zhang Y, Liu WQ, Li J*. Constructing an artificial short route for cell-free biosynthesis of the phenethylisoquinoline scaffold. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 2023, 8, 610–617 49. Wang Y, Gao W, Yang S, Chen Q, Ye C, Wang H, Zhang Q, Ren J, Ning Z, Chen X, Shao Z, Li J, Liu Y, Ling S. Humanoid intelligent display platform for audiovisual interaction and sound identification. Nano-Micro Letters, 2023, 15, 221 48. Shi Q, Li J, Liu C, Zhai X, Chen L, Zhang Y, Feng D, Zhang R, Li J, Ling S, Zheng L, Luo Y, Liu Y. Fluorescence-coded logarithmic-dilution digital droplet PCR for ultrawide-dynamic-range nucleic acid quantification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023, 241, 115702 47. Ba F, Zhang Y, Wang L, Liu WQ, Li J*. Applications of serine integrases in synthetic biology over the past decade. SynBio, 2023, 1, 172–189 46. Peng R#, Ba F#, Li J#, Cao J, Zhang R, Liu WQ, Ren J, Liu Y*, Li J*, Ling S*. Embedding living cells with a mechanically reinforced and functionally programmable hydrogel fiber platform. Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2305583 新闻报道 45. Dong Z, Peng R, Zhang Y, Shan Y, Ding W, Liu Y, Li J, Zhao M, Jiang LB, Ling S. Tendon repair and regeneration using bioinspired fibrillation engineering that mimicked the structure and mechanics of natural tissue. ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 17858–17872 44. Zhu J, Dai C, Yang H, Shan Y, Ren J, Liu Y, Li J, Chen W, Liang J, Ling S. IntelliSense bio-ionotronics battery for early warning of geological seepage. ACS Sensors, 2023, 8, 2731–2739 43. Zhang R, Liu WQ, Ling S, Li J*. Combining cell-free expression and multifactor optimization for enhanced biosynthesis of cinnamyl alcohol. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 8551–8557 42. Chen Y, Liu WQ, Zheng X, Liu Y, Ling S, Li J*. Cell-free biosynthesis of lysine-derived unnatural amino acids with chloro, alkene, and alkyne groups. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2023, 12, 1349–1357 (Highlighted as ACS Editors' Choice on May 4, 2023) 新闻报道 41. Meng Y, Yang M, Liu WQ, Li J*. Cell-free expression of a therapeutic protein serratiopeptidase. Molecules, 2023, 28, 3132 40. Ba F, Ji X, Huang S, Zhang Y, Liu WQ, Liu Y, Ling S, Li J*. Engineering Escherichia coli to utilize erythritol as sole carbon source. Advanced Science, 2023, 10, 2207008 新闻报道 39. Zhang H, Cao L, Li J, Liu Y, Lv Z, Ren J, Shao Z, Ling S. Dual physically crosslinked silk fibroin ionoelastomer with ultrahigh stretchability and low hysteresis. Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35, 1752–1761 38. Huang S, Ba F, Liu WQ, Li J*. Stapled NRPS enhances the production of valinomycin in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2023, 120, 793–802 37. Liu Y, Liu WQ, Huang S, Xu H, Lu H, Wu C, Li J*. Cell-free metabolic engineering enables selective biotransformation of fatty acids to value-added chemicals. Metabolic Engineering Communications, 2023, 16, e00217 36. Liu WQ, Ji X, Xu H, Lu Y, Li J*. Cell-free protein synthesis system enables rapid and efficient biosynthesis of restriction endonucleases. Synthetic Biology Journal (in Chinese), 2023, 4, 840–851 刘晚秋,季向阳,许慧玲,卢屹聪,李健*. 限制性内切酶的无细胞快速制备研究. 合成生物学, 2023, 4, 840–851 35. Li J*. Cellular decoding for non-natural peptides. Nature Chemistry, 2023, 15, 7–8 34. Moore SJ, Lai HE, Li J, Freemont PS. Streptomyces cell-free systems for natrual product discovery and engineering. Natural Product Reports, 2023, 40, 228–236 33. Li L, Zhang R, Chen L, Tian X, Li T, Pu B, Ma C, Ji X, Ba F, Xiong C, Shi Y, Mi X, Li J*, Keasling JD, Zhang J*, Liu Y*. Permeability-engineered compartmentation enables in vitro reconstitution of sustained synthetic biology systems. Advanced Science, 2022, 2203652 32. Yang C#, Yang M#, Zhao W, Ding Y, Wang Y*, Li J*. Establishing a Klebsiella pneumoniae-based cell-free protein synthesis system. Molecules, 2022, 27, 4684 31. Sun Z, Hübner R, Li J, Wu C. Artificially sporulated Escherichia coli cells as a robust cell factory for interfacial biocatalysis. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 3142 30. Zhang Y, Chen W, Wu D, Liu Y, Wu Z, Li J, Zhang SY, Ji Q. Molecular basis for cell-wall recycling regulation by transcriptional repressor MurR in Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50, 5948–5960 29. Li J*. Engineered microbes: Making valuable chemicals from waste gases. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 2022, 7, 837–838 28. Tian X, Liu WQ, Xu H, Ji X, Liu Y, Li J*. Cell-free expression of NO synthase and P450 enzyme for the biosynthesis of an unnatural amino acid L-4-nitrotryptophan. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 2022, 7, 775–783 27. Liu Y, Ba F, Liu WQ, Wu C, Li J*. Plug-and-play functionalization of protein-polymer conjugates for tunable catalysis enabled by genetically encoded "click" chemistry. ACS Catalysis, 2022, 12, 4165–4174 新闻报道 26. Ji X#, Liu WQ#, Li J*. Recent advances in applying cell-free systems for high-value and complex natural product biosynthesis. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2022, 67, 102142 (Invited review) 25. Ba F, Liu Y, Liu WQ, Tian X, Li J*. SYMBIOSIS: Synthetic manipulable biobricks via orthogonal serine integrase systems. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50, 2973–2985 (Faculty Opinions Recommended as Exceptional) 新闻报道 24. Xu H, Yang C, Tian X, Chen Y, Liu WQ, Li J*. Regulatory part engineering for high-yield protein synthesis in an all-Streptomyces-based cell-free expression system. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022, 11, 570–578 23. Xu H, Liu WQ, Li J*. A Streptomyces-based cell-free protein synthesis system for high-level protein expression. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, 2433, 89–103 22. Li J*, Kwon YC*, Lu Y*, Moore SJ*. Editorial: Cell-free synthetic biology. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9, 799122
21. Yang C, Liu Y, Liu WQ, Wu C, Li J*. Designing modular cell-free systems for tunable biotransformation of L-phenylalanine to aromatic compounds. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9, 730663 20. Huang S#, Liu Y#, Liu WQ, Neubauer P*, Li J*. The nonribosomal peptide valinomycin: From discovery to bioactivity and biosynthesis. Microorganisms, 2021, 9, 780 (Highly Cited Paper) 19. Feng J#, Yang C#, Zhao Z, Xu J, Li J*, Li P*. Application of cell-free protein synthesis system for the biosynthesis of L-theanine. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2021, 10, 620–631 18. Liu WQ, Wu C*, Jewett MC, Li J*. Cell-free protein synthesis enables one-pot cascade biotransformation in an aqueous-organic biphasic system. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2020, 117, 4001–4008 17. Zhang L, Liu WQ, Li J*. Establishing a eukaryotic Pichia pastoris cell-free protein synthesis system. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2020, 8, 536 新闻报道 16. Xu H, Liu WQ, Li J*. Translation related factors improve the productivity of a Streptomyces-based cell-free protein synthesis system. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2020, 9, 1221–1224 新闻报道 15. Zhuang L#, Huang S#, Liu WQ, Karim AS, Jewett MC*, Li J*. Total in vitro biosynthesis of the nonribosomal macrolactone peptide valinomycin. Metabolic Engineering, 2020, 60, 37–44 新闻报道 14. Liu WQ#, Zhang L#, Chen M#, Li J*. Cell-free protein synthesis: Recent advances in bacterial extract sources and expanded applications. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 141, 182–189 13. Li J*, Zhang L, Liu WQ. Cell-free synthetic biology for in vitro biosynthesis of pharmaceutical natural products. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 2018, 3, 83–89 12.Wang H, Li J*, Jewett MC*. Development of a Pseudomonas putida cell-free protein synthesis platform for rapid screening of gene regulatory elements. Synthetic Biology, 2018, 3, ysy003 PhD and Postdoc publications 11.Casini A, Chang FY, Eluere R, King A, Young EM, Dudley QM, Karim A, Pratt K, Bristol C, Forget A, Ghodasara A, Warden-Rothman R, Gan R, Cristofaro A, Espah Borujeni A, Ryu MH, Li J, Kwon YC, Wang H, Tatsis E, Rodriguez-Lopez C, O'Connor S, Medema MH, Fischbach M, Jewett MC, Voigt CA, Gordon DB. A pressure test to make 10 molecules in 90 days: external evaluation of methods to engineer biology. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 4302–4316 10. Li J, Wang H, Jewett MC. Expanding the palette of Streptomyces-based cell-free protein synthesis systems with enhanced yields. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 130, 29–33 9. Li J, Wang H, Kwon YC, Jewett MC. Establishing a high yielding Streptomyces-based cell-free protein synthesis system. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2017, 114, 1343–1353 (Video Highlighted) 8. Goering AW#, Li J#, McClure RA, Thomson RJ, Jewett MC, Kelleher NL. In vitro reconstruction of nonribosomal peptide biosynthesis directly from DNA using cell-free protein synthesis. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2017, 6, 39–44 7. Li J, Lawton TJ, Kostecki JS, Nisthal A, Fang J, Mayo SL, Rosenzweig AC, Jewett MC. Cell-free protein synthesis enables high yielding synthesis of an active multicopper oxidase. Biotechnology Journal, 2016, 11, 212–218 (Front Cover) 6. Moatsou D#, Li J#, Ranji A, Pitto-Barry A, Ntai I, Jewett MC, O’Reilly RK. Self-assembly of temperature-responsive protein-polymer bioconjugates. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2015, 26, 1890–1899 (Front Cover) 5. Li J*, Jaitzig J, Lu P, Süssmuth RD, Neubauer P. Scale-up bioprocess development for production of the antibiotic valinomycin in Escherichia coli based on consistent fed-batch cultivations. Microbial Cell Factories, 2015, 14, 83 4. Li J*, Jaitzig J, Theuer L, Legala OE, Süssmuth RD, Neubauer P. Type II thioesterase improves heterologous biosynthesis of valinomycin in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biotechnology, 2015, 193, 16–22 3. Li J*, Neubauer P. Escherichia coli as a cell factory for heterologous production of nonribosomal peptides and polyketides. New Biotechnology, 2014, 31, 579–585 2. Li J#, Jaitzig J#, Hillig F, Süssmuth RD, Neubauer P. Enhanced production of the nonribosomal peptide antibiotic valinomycin in Escherichia coli through small-scale high cell density fed-batch cultivation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 98, 591–601 1. Jaitzig J#, Li J#, Süssmuth RD, Neubauer P. Reconstituted biosynthesis of the nonribosomal macrolactone antibiotic valinomycin in Escherichia coli. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2014, 3, 432–438 |
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刘晚秋副研究员复旦大学 博士后中科院微生物所 博士
| 黄曙惠博士后上海科技大学 博士
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| 郑霄博士研究生
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| 张雨菲博士研究生
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| 卢屹聪硕士研究生
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| 朱祎晗硕士研究生
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| 曹智灵硕士研究生
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郭意瑶硕士研究生 | 覃梦婕硕士研究生 |
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